8008 DeskPhone
37 /50
8.15 Lock / unlock your telephone
This icon indicates that the phone is locked. Your password is required to unlock the phone.
Reach the 'Menu' page.
Lock / Unlock,
Enter your password to unlock the phone Your telephone is locked/unlocked.
8.16 Connect a headset
You can connect a corded headset to your phone using the RJ9 connector behind the phone. Your
headset must be compatible with the connector or an adaptor must be used.
8.17 Call the associated set
The number of another set can be associated with your set number (See Modify the associated number).
To call it:
Reach the 'Menu' page.
Settings My services Consult Associate services Call associate
Start the call.
8.18 Forward your calls to the associated number
If you have previously defined an associated number, you can forward your calls to this number.
Reach the 'Menu' page.
Settings My services Consult Associate services
Use one of the following:
Overflow to associate
For forwarding when you do not answer.
Overflow if busy
For immediate forwarding when your line is busy.
Overflow if busy/no rep
For forwarding if you do not answer or if you are busy.
Deact ovflow to assoc
To cancel the forwarding to associate function.
: You can also use the forwarding service to forward your calls to the defined associated number.
8.19 Modify the associated number
The associated number can be a phone set number, the voice mail number or the pager number.
Reach the 'Menu' page.
Settings My services Associate
Enter your password.
Use one of the following:
Enter the new associated number.
Speed dial
Select the number of your choice
Acceptance of the programming is displayed.