8008 DeskPhone
23 /50
5.1 Answering the general bell
When the operator is absent, outside calls to the operator are indicated by a general bell. To answer:
Reach the 'Menu' page.
Settings My services Consult Call pick up services Night service call pick up
5.2 Manager/Assistant filtering
System configuration allows 'Manager/Assistant' groups to be formed, so that the manager's calls can be
directed to one or more assistants.
the programmed key has to be configured by the system.
5.2.1 From the manager or assistant telephone
Press programmed key Incoming calls are filtered by a chosen person (assistant, etc.).
Same key to cancel.
Filtering is indicated on the manager's telephone by the icon corresponding to the 'screening'
programmed key.
5.3 Call pick-up
You hear a telephone ringing in an office where no-one can answer. If authorised, you can answer the
call on your own telephone.
The system can be configured to prevent call pick-up on certain telephones.
5.3.1 If the telephone ringing is in your own pick-up group
Reach the 'Menu' page.
Settings My services Consult Call pick up services Group call pick up
This feature is accessible via a programmed key:
(by default).
5.3.2 If the telephone ringing is not in your pick-up group
Reach the 'Menu' page.
Settings My services Consult Call pick up services Individual call pick up
Number of telephone ringing.
This feature is accessible via a programmed key:
Pick up
(by default).