8008 DeskPhone
20 /50
3.7 Placing a call on hold (hold)
3.7.1 Exclusive hold
During a conversation, you wish to place the call on hold and recover it later, on the same telephone.
During a conversation.
Use one of the following:
Press the key associated with the call in progress icon.
Put on hold
Your call is placed on hold
Recover the call on hold:
Use one of the following:
Hang up, your phone is ringing, then answer the call.
Press the key associated with the call on hold.
Select the tab which is displaying the call on hold
Press the Back/Exit key to display the Perso page Select the call on hold.
3.7.2 Common hold
This feature depends on the system configuration. If necessary, contact your administrator.
Common hold allows to all sets in the same pick-up group to resume a call (internal or external) that has
been put on hold by one of the members of that group.
Putting on common hold:
During a conversation.
Press the Back/Exit key to display the Perso page.
Press programmed key:
Comm hold
(by default).
Recover the call on hold from any sets defined in the same pick-up group (including your set):
Open the perso page on the set you want to retrieve the call.
Press programmed key:
Comm hold
(by default).
3.8 Placing an outside call on hold (parking)
You can place an outside call on hold and recover the call on another telephone:
During a conversation.
Park the call
Enter the number of the parking destination phone.
Retrieve the call from the parking destination phone:
Reach the 'Menu' page.
Settings My services Consult Call pick up services Park/retrieve call
Retrieve the call from another phone:
Reach the 'Menu' page.
Settings My services Consult Call pick up services Park/retrieve call
Enter the number of the parking destination phone.