2 - Chan 2
Displays the voltage connected to the negative clip and the small sense clip
on the multimeter (three lead) lead set. This input is for the voltage reading
across the intercell connector under a test condition. Typical input voltage is
usually less than 10mV.
3 - Chan 3
Displays the voltage across the internal reference resistor. The multimeter
(three lead) lead set must be properly connected across a 2 volt cell. The test
will not start if the voltage is less than 0.5V or higher than 3 volts. After
Chan 3 is selected on the A/D Channel Diag menu, press TEST to start the
test. The test times out and turns off the load after ten seconds to prevent
overheating. To restart the test, press ESC and select the test again.
4 - Ref.
Displays the internal reference for the analog to digital converter. The value
should be approximately 2048
2 counts. This reading cannot be displayed if
the calibrated mode is selected.
3.6.4 Relays
: If the Relays diagnostic is enabled while the Cellcorder is
connected to a voltage source, the Cellcorder can be permanently damaged.
Before you select the Relays diagnostic, verify that no leads are connected to
the Cellcorder. A warning is displayed to ensure the leads are disconnected.
Press and hold TEST to activate this diagnostic. While TEST is pressed, the
unit energizes each load relay one at a time. The clicking of the relays
verifies drive circuits are working properly. Release TEST to stop the relay
drivers, and press ESC to return to the Diagnostics Menu.
3.6.5 RS-232
When the RS-232 diagnostic is selected, the display prompts you to install a
loop back connector. This connector is not supplied with the Cellcorder;
however, one can be simulated by connecting pin 2 to pin 3 on the RS-232
connector. After this is done, press TEST to transmit and receive known data.
If the data has been corrupted, the error count field increments. Press ESC for
at least two seconds to return to the Diagnostics Menu.