IDE Channel 0 Master RAID
This allows you to enable or disable the RAID function for the IDE Channel 0 Master device.
Options: Enabled
Disabled (default)
IDE Channel 0 Slave RAID
This allows you to enable or disable the RAID function for the IDE Channel 0 Slave device.
Options: Enabled
Disabled (default)
IDE Channel 1 Master RAID
This allows you to enable or disable the RAID function for the IDE Channel 1 Master device.
Options: Enabled
Disabled (default)
IDE Channel 1 Slave RAID
This allows you to enable or disable the RAID function for the IDE Channel 1 Slave device.
Options: Enabled
Disabled (default)
SATA Primary Master RAID
This allows you to enable or disable the RAID function for the SATA Primary Master device.
Options: Enabled
Disabled (default)
SATA Secondary Master RAID
This allows you to enable or disable the RAID function for the SATA Secondary Master device.
Options: Enabled
Disabled (default)
Onboard Device
If you highlight the “Onboard Device” label and then press the enter key, it will take you to a
submenu with the following options:
OnChip USB
This option should be enabled if your system has a USB port installed on the system board. You will
need to disable this feature if you add a higher performance controller.
Options: V1.1+V2.0 (default)
USB KB/ Storage Support
This item allows you to enable the USB attached keyboards and storages.
Options: Disabled (default)