Alarm Lock Trilogy DL4100 Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 3


DL Series Lock Features

Audit Trail


4 0 ,0 0 0   E v e n t  C a p a c ity


E n trie s   L o g g e d   w ith   T im e   a n d   D a te


C ritic a l  P ro g ra m m in g   E v e n ts   L o g g e d


P rin ta b le   u sin g   th e   A L -IR 1   H a n d -H e ld   P rin te r (s e e   p a g e   2 2 ,  F u n c tio n   55)


U p lo a d a b le   u s in g   A la rm   L o c k 's   D L -W in d o w s   s o ftw a re   (s e e   p a g e   2 2 ,  F u n c tio n   58)


T ra n s fe ra b le   to  A L -D T M s   (s e e   p a g e   2 3 ,  F u n c tio n   5 9)


5 0 0 0   E v e n ts   w ith   th e   A L -D T M 2

Lock  Features


M e ta l  K e y  o v e r r id e


K e y p a d   L o c k o u t  (s e e   p a g e   2 3 ,  F u n c tio n s   6 0 -6 1 )


N o n -V o la tile   (F ix e d )  M e m o ry


R e a l-T im e   C lo c k   (w ith in   o n e   s e c o n d   a c c u ra c y )  (s e e   p a g e   2 0 ,  F u n c tio n s   4 3 -4 4 )


P ro g ra m m a b le   R e la y   (s e e   p a g e   27 )


V is u a l  a n d   A u d ib le   K e y p a d   F e e d b a c k   (s e e   p a g e   9)


B a tte ry  S ta tu s   M o n ito r  (s e e   p a g e   9)



5 0 0   S c h e d u le s   w ith   th e   A L -D T M 2   (s e e   p a g e s   2 5 -2 8 )


A u to m a te d   U n lo c k /L o c k


E n a b le /D is a b le   U s e rs   (s e e   p a g e   16,  F u n c tio n   3)


E n a b le /D is a b le   G ro u p s   (s e e   p a g e   17)


F o u r "Q u ic k   S c h e d u le s "  (c o n ta in s   4  m o s t  c o m m o n   s c h e d u le s )  (s e e   p a g e   26 )


R e a l-tim e   c lo c k   a n d   c a le n d a r  (s e e   p a g e   19)


P ro g ra m m a b le   T im e o u t  F u n c tio n s   (s e e   p a g e s   16,  18  a n d   20 )

User Access  Methods


K e y p a d   E n te re d   U s e r C o d e s   (s e e   p a g e s   12,  15)


M e ta l  K e y  o v e r r id e

User  Features


2 0 0 0   U s e rs   (s e e   p a g e   15)


6  P re -d e fin e d   A d m in is tra tio n   U s e r  L e v e ls   in c lu d in g  

M a s te r,  In s ta lle r,  M a n a g e r,  S u p e rv is o r,  P rin t-O n ly


B a s ic

  U s e r C o d e s   (s e e   p a g e   8)


U s e r C o d e   L e n g th s   fro m   3 -6   d ig its


S e rv ic e   C o d e   (“O n e -T im e -O n ly ”  C o d e )  (s e e   p a g e   7,  16)


U s e r  L o c k o u t  M o d e   (s e e   p a g e   16,  F u n c tio n   6)


U s e rs   A s s ig n a b le   to   2  G ro u p s   (s e e   p a g e s   18  a n d   29 )


A m b u s h

  F u n c tio n   (s e e   p a g e   2 3 ,  F u n c tio n   6 6)

Keypad  and  Computer Programming


A ll  p ro g ra m m in g   m a y   be  p e rfo rm e d   m a n u a lly  fro m  th e   k e y p a d ,  o r fro m   a  P C   u sin g   A la rm   L o c k 's   D L - 

W in d o w s   S o ftw a re   (s e e   p a g e   4)



Содержание Trilogy DL4100 Series

Страница 1: ...ALARM LOCK 2004 Trilogy DL4100 DL4500 Series Programming Instructions _______________________________________________________________ W I1194B 12 04 J DL4500 Residency Lock DL Windows AL DTM DATA TRA...

Страница 2: ...acy features and can be program m ed either w ay to suit the installation requirem ents The R esidency feature is specially designed to prevent unintentional lock out typically used in retirem ent hom...

Страница 3: ...A utom ated U nlock Lock E nable D isable U sers see page 16 Function 3 E nable D isable G roups see page 17 F our Q uick S chedules contains 4 m ost com m on schedules see page 26 R eal tim e clock...

Страница 4: ...CK AL PCI cable is required to communicate between your computer s RS 232 serial com munications port COM 1 4 and the a L DTM or lock One end of the A l PCI cable is designed to be used on a 9 pin ser...

Страница 5: ...g you must first enter something called Program Mode What is Program Mode Most technical people find working with hardware easy they use tools to make fixes or changes to hardware But with the soft wa...

Страница 6: ...hority a Programming Level as to their ability to use or make changes to the lock The Programming Level defines the range of programming tasks a User is allowed to perform The higher the Level the mor...

Страница 7: ...e becomes disabled For example you wish to allow one time access to a temporary worker Simply enter the User 297 User Code into the lock key pad Later when the temporary worker enters the User 300 Use...

Страница 8: ...ociated with Users 10 11 Restricted to print audit trails only No other programming ability allowed Abbreviated as Programming Level 1 Basic Users Always associated with User number 12 and higher exce...

Страница 9: feedback is as follows ACTIVITY LED SOUNDER COMMENTS Keypress 1 RED Flash 1 Beep Normal Operation Access Granted 3 GREEN Flashes 3 Beeps Invalid Code 6 RED Flashes 6 Beeps Re enter User Code Succes...

Страница 10: ...the program in DL Windows and transfer the program from your computer to an AL DTM via an AL PCI cable then transfer the program from the AL DTM to the lock s via a double ended mini banana plug The h...

Страница 11: ...h red 6 times and 6 beeps will sound The lock is now ready for use The pre existing program is loaded from fixed memory Set the clock using functions 38 39 and 40 BATTERY REPLACEMENT When a valid code...

Страница 12: Program Mode you can now proceed directly below and program various functions Note Programming any Function such as setting the clock follows a consistent 5 step pattern 1 Enter Program Mode 2 Pres...

Страница 13: ...urrently open the lock If the lock does not open the anticipated Master Code can be used as the new Master Code if the lock opens the anticipated Master Code already exists in the lock as a User Code...

Страница 14: ...tion 19 22 Group 1 4 Enable See page 17 Function 68 Delete All Relay Functions and System Options added by Function 67 Also Privacy Time out duration See page 24 Function 23 Enable All Groups See page...

Страница 15: ...on page 6 for more information Lock Defaults for the DL4100 and DL4500 See page 8 Users added will default to a Group Association and a Program Level Ability as follows USER TYPE USER NUMBER GROUP DEF...

Страница 16: ...II Ol 11 3 II Ol IIC P lllC P lll 3 11 3 11 311 33 1 IICQl NOTE Up to 4 Timeout Functions may be pending at any one time An error beep will sound when attempting to program more than 4 Timeout Functio...

Страница 17: ...nd when attempting to program more than 4 Timeout Functions Important It is the responsibility of the lock programmer to verify the proper lock unlock conditions and Group conditions after programming...

Страница 18: ...d Disable Group 1 26 Timed Disable Group 2 27 Timed Disable Group 3 28 Timed Disable Group 4 29 Timed Disable All Groups 30 Timed Enable Group 1 31 Timed Enable Group 2 32 Timed Enable Group 3 33 Time...

Страница 19: ...AM Default DST Mode is 12 DST Mode Time Forwarded Time Regressed 01 No DST Adjustment 02 1st Sunday in March 4th Tuesday in Sept 03 Last Sat in March Last Sat in Sept 04 Last Sunday in March Last Sund...

Страница 20: ...3 Speed Up Clock 1 1 This Function enabled through keypad only 44 Slow Down Clock 1 1 1 This Function enabled through keypad only 3 ___ 3 seconds 3 ___ 3 seconds PASSAGE MODE Passage Mode Enable Disab...

Страница 21: ...oggles Passage Mode Because of firmware conflicts do not use this function with the Residency Feature nor with the Privacy Feature Mode 2 Door Normally Unlocked Mode 3 Group 2 enables Group 3 disables...

Страница 22: ...ess 1 for more events or 9 to quit To abort printing press any key for 3 seconds three short beeps will sound 1 56 Print User Code List QQ 1 0 6 1 lied Hold the printer over the lock s infrared sensor...

Страница 23: Program 4 LOCKOUT 60 Number of Attempts Before Lockout _ Number of Attempts Used with Function 61 Number of attempts before lockout must be 1 9 attempts The number of attempts is reduced by half ev...

Страница 24: ...her only except 297 298 and 299 Feature 31 should be used with External DC Power unless feature is used for short a duration and infrequently sustained closure of relay will drain batteries ___ ______...

Страница 25: ...disable Groups at the time programmed For day enter 1 for Sunday 2 for Monday 3 for Tuesday 4 for Wednesday 5 for Thursday 6 for Friday 7 for Saturday 8 for Monday to Friday 9 for Saturday and Sunday...

Страница 26: ...Quick Schedule 3P M 1A M All days This Function enabled through keypad only 8 8 8 iD d _ lie d Group 87 Night Quick Schedule 11PM 9AM All days This Function enabled through keypad only l d l d l d _ 8...

Страница 27: and 0 for all days of week Enter time of day in 24 hour format for example for 2 15 PM enter 14 15 90 Relay Activation O 9 0 O O Open Time Window D a y T im e 91 Relay Activation Close Time Window...

Страница 28: ...y and Sunday and 0 for all days of week Enter time of day in 24 hour format for example for 2 15 PM enter 14 15 92 Enable Group4 8 8 2 8 _ 8 ______ 8 Open Time Window D a y T im e This Function enable...

Страница 29: ...Control Panel on page 27 If a Group 1 User does not enter their User Code during the specified window Functions 90 91 remain inactive Function 92 and 93 allow for a window of time to be created where...

Страница 30: ...nction 92 and 93 see page 28 to create a window of time where if any Group 1 User Code is entered within the programmed window Group 4 Users will be enabled 1 Enter Program Mode if not in already 2 Us...

Страница 31: ...ride this lockout feature with their codes Programming Clear Residency Default 11 8 11 611 8 11 811 8 11 811 8 l l Programming Disable Keypad On Deadbolt 11 811 6 11 8 11 811 811 8 l l Default Time Ou...

Страница 32: ...e Any of the following will restore the lock to the normally secure mode 1 The user returns enters and presses the button from the inside 2 Someone already inside the premises presses the button 3 Pre...

Страница 33: ...00 99 9 9 Ambush Code 67 Add Relay System Features Check all that apply 3 Failed attempted entry D 4 Disabled User or Group D 5 Follow Access Granted D 6 Group 1 User Code D 7 Scheduled Lock Event D...

Страница 34: ...m b e r 1 2000 U se r C ode 3 6 d ig its G ro u p A s s o c ia tio n U s e r N am e 1 2 3 4 Note For a complete list of user codes obtain a printout from either the remote printer Program Function 56...

Страница 35: ...Up to 500 scheduled functions can be programmed Up to only 150 using AL DTM2 For Day Enter 1 Sunday 2 Monday 3 Tuesday 4 Wednesday 5 Thursday 6 Friday 7 Saturday 8 Monday through Friday 9 Saturday an...

Страница 36: QUICK PC ACCESS CODE Permits upload download to DL Windows Software on IBM compatible 300 MHz or faster computer running Microsoft Windows 98 or NT 4 0 or higher Refers to the User Code for User 29...

Страница 37: ...door without USER CODES door is unlocked PRINTER A printout device such as an infrared printer or computer printer PRIVACY A lock mode for privacy from other Users Time out Duration A maximum period o...

Страница 38: ......

Страница 39: ......

Страница 40: ...are expressly canceled A LA R M LO C K neither assum es nor authorizes any other person purporting to act on its behalf to m odify to change or to assum e fo r it any othe r w arranty or liability co...
