Programming Functions (cont’d)
67. Add System Features
[ _ _ ] :
(Event Number)
Use Function 67 to program one or more lock events and the Relay will energize when the programmed event(s) listed below oc
curs. For example, program
11^6 II^ O
11^3 II^ O and when an attempted entry fails (such as a User who enters an
incorrect or un-programmed User Code), the Relay will energize for 2 seconds.
3. Failed attempted entry. Relay energizes for 2 seconds when an
attempted User Code entry via the keypad fails.
. Scheduled Unlock Event. Relay energizes for 2 seconds when
lock is unlocked by a schedule
4. Disabled User or Group. Relay energizes for 2 seconds when a
disabled User or disabled Group member enters a User Code.
9. Lock Out. Relay energizes for 2 seconds when a Lock Out occurs
(i.e. number of attempts is exceeded, see Function 60).
5. Follow Access Granted. When a valid User Code is entered into
the keypad and the lock unlocks, the Relay energizes for 2 seconds.
Compare with Event 31.
10. Ambush. Relay energizes for 2 seconds when Ambush is tripped.
See Function
, page 25.
. Group 1 User Code. Relay energizes for 2 seconds when a sched
uled Group 1 User Code is entered. See Function 90, page 29.
11. First Key Press. Relay energizes for 2 seconds at the first key
press of any sequence.
7. Scheduled Lock Event. Relay energizes for 2 seconds when lock
is locked by a Schedule.
31. Follow Access Granted-No Time Limit.** When a valid User
Code is entered into the keypad and the lock unlocks, the Relay
energizes for the
same amount of time as the programmed Pass
(The Pass Time is the length of time the lock stays
unlocked after a valid User Code is entered. See functions
52-54). Use this feature for remote monitoring or other activation.
P r iv a c y /R e s id e n c y F e a tu re s
• S y s te m O p t io n s
35. Disable Keypad on Deadbolt (DL4500) or Button
Press (DL4100). (Often used for bathroom doors).
25. Disable Sounder
36. Cancel Passage on Deadbolt (DL4500) or Button
Press (DL4100)
27. 15 sec. Delayed Entry *
37. Leave Unlocked on Exit (Passage)
28. 45 sec. Delayed Entry *
* Features 26, 27 & 28 will delay User Codes 12 and higher only (except 297, 298 and 299).
** Feature 31 should be used with External DC Power unless feature is used for short a duration and infrequently (sustained closure of relay will drain
___ ________ ________________ ____
NOTE: Enter
11^6 H^Ol
107)1 107)1 1107)1 II^Ol to delete all Relay Features added by Function 67 (identical to Function
A m b u s h F u n c tio n
1. Connect relay to a device able to properly monitor dry contacts for an
2. Program the Relay for
Ambush Tripped
using Program Function 67(10) above.
3. Set the Ambush Code using Program Function
4. When the Ambush Code is entered followed by a valid User Code, the relay will close for 2 seconds.
Notes: The Ambush Code defaults to 99. An error will sound if you try to program a new User Code starting with the Ambush Code.
68. Delete All Relay Functions and System Options added
by Function 67. Also Privacy Time-Out Duration.
[ _____] :
Enter II^O l IIC
^ I 8 ^ 1
II^O l 1 ^ 0 1 ^ 0 1 ^ 0 IICQl to delete all Relay Functions and System Options added by
Function 67. Note: Programming "000" does not affect existing "Privacy Time-Out Duration" settings, described below.
When using a DL4100 or DL4500, enter a number between 001 -250 for Privacy Time-Out Duration, in minutes (be sure to enter 3 digits).
This Privacy Time-Out Duration is the maximum time lock will remain in Privacy Mode, before returning to standard operation (defaulted
Privacy Terminated on Exit Only
Enter 251 to
disable the Privacy Time-Out Duration:
Privacy will last indefinitely until either the inside lever is turned or until a Master or
valid Manager User Code is entered at the keypad. In addition, the flashing LED is disabled.
Note: Existing "Privacy Time-Out Duration" settings are not affected by subsequent programming of "000" (which is used to delete all
relay functions and system options added by Function 67).
Note: The factory default is set to "Residency Feature" for the DL4500 and "Privacy Feature" for the DL4100. Entering II^O l IIC
^ I
8 ^ 1 II^O l 1 ^ 0 1 ^ 0 1 ^ 0 IICQl will clear the factory default of the lock. To re-program factory default, see page 11.
Note: To maintain backwards compatibility, entering II^O l IIC
^ I IIQO Ira O 11^0 1 ^ 0 11^0 IICPl or entering II^O l IIC
^ I
8 ^ 1 II^O l 1 ^ 0 1 ^ 0 1 ^ 0 IICQl will delete all Relay Functions and System Options added by Function 67.