;62 ;
[ _ _ _ _ ]
[ _ _ _ _ _ _ ]
(User Number) (User Code)
60. Number of Attempts Before Lockout
61. Set the Attempts Lockout Time
; 6 4 :
64. Disable Remote Input
Remote Input
; 6 5 :
65. Enable Remote Input
66. Reserved
Number of attempts before lockout must be 1-9 attempts.
The number of attempts is reduced by half every time the keypad is locked out without a successful code entry (default is
6 attempts).
The attempt count is reset each time a valid code is entered.
Lockout Time must be 1-60 seconds.
How long the keypad is locked-out after a series of unsuccessful attempts (default is 18 seconds).
Wire a Normally Open Contact to Wires (White & White). Momentarily close switch to unlock door to allow person to pass through door.
Enter the functions below to Disable/Enable the Remote Input.
The Remote Input is enabled as part of the default program.
; 6 0 ;
[ _ ]
(Number of Attempts)
; 6 1 ;
[ _ _ ]
(Lockout Time)
Programming Functions (cont'd)
59. Reserved
62. Add/Delete/Change User Codes 2-2000
(for Primary Side code entry)
User Number must be between 2 and 2000. User Codes entered are enabled for use with the Primary side keypad only.
To delete a code/card, leave the User Code blank and wait for the rapid beeping to stop, then to avoid erroneously enrolling
Proximity Cards, press and hold
for three seconds to exit Programming Mode. If more programming is desired, re-enter
Programming Mode.
User Code must be 3-6 digits.
Each User Code can be thought of as a person. As long as each person possesses their own unique User Code, you can con-
trol access to the lock by adding or deleting User Codes. See "Terminology Used in this Manual" on page 6 for more information.
;63 ;
[ _ _ _ _ ]
[ _ _ _ _ _ _ ]
(User Number) (User Code)
63. Add/Delete/Change User Codes 2-2000
(for Secondary Side code entry)
Same as Function 62, except User Codes entered are enabled for use with the Secondary side keypad only.