When power is supplied to the pump the upper run LED (yellow) should glow indicating a voltage present,
and the digital display will show the run on timer setting in seconds (factory set is 20).
Press the TEST button. The digital display will show the start delay in seconds (factory set is 5) and the
bottom LED will flash and start the following test sequence:-
Test sequence once button is pressed
1. Start delay timer counts down. (bottom LED flashing)
2. The pump runs with top LED flashing and the display shows the time to run.
3. The display returns to the set run on time.
This test can be carried out with or without water present and also the sensor fitted or not.
The AKW M11 DigiPump allows for precise pump control of the shower water by calculating the amount
of water the shower is producing. It may be necessary to adjust the pump once installation is complete.
(the pump may be over or under pumping).
To calibrate the pump and compensate for this, press and hold the TEST button for around 5 seconds,
until both LEDs flash. The pump is now in calibration mode. The display shows the factory calibration value
stored (default is 50).
This can be adjusted using the RUN button (up) and the DELAY button (down). The value can be adjusted
from 0-99.
Run the shower at the expected normal flow rate. The pump must run at a speed which removes the same
amount of water as is flowing in.
Adjust the calibration value so the water level stays approximately the same. If the water level drops,
decrease the value on the display so the pump runs slower. If the water level rises, increase the value on
the display so the pump runs faster. When the value is set correctly, press the test button to store. The
controller will then return to its normal operating mode.
Timer Adjustment
With the pump in normal operating mode and the LED showing the run on time:
Adjust Run on time.
(the time the pump will run after the shower has stopped)
Press the RUN button:
this will increase the time by 1 second, holding the button will increase the time
rapidly, once the time reaches 99 it will roll over to 01.
Start Delay
(the time before the pumps starts after the shower is operating)
Press the DELAY button:
this will increase the time by 1 second, holding the button will increase the time
rapidly, once the time reaches 99 it will roll over to 01.
Pump set up
Control Button Description
Top Button = RUN (Sets shower stop run-on time)
Centre Button = TEST (Calibration)
Bottom Button = DELAY (Sets shower start delay to run)
M11 Pump Calibration is only to be carried out by a suitably competent trades persons to prevent the
risk of future adjustments causing flooding.