Dear customer
Thank you for choosing an Akva-Stabil Effect-Line Aquarium
shelving unit. We are sure you will be completely satisfied with
your choice.
Before starting assembly, read these instructions thoroughly so
you have a good idea about what assembly entails. Follow-
ing the sequence of operations in these instructions will give
you a correct result for the least effort. To allow you to work
systematically, you should also have your layout plan to hand.
Follow your layout plan and assemble the shelving from one
end to the other.
Before starting, please check you have received all the compo-
nents as stated on the consignment note. You should also check
that no damage has occurred during transport.
All components are clearly marked with item codes correspond-
ing to the numbers on your consignment note. Before starting
the actual assembly, here is a brief summary of the various
components with a short description. We hope this will give
you an overall impression of the system and an understanding
of what assembly will involve. So, it’s down to work!
Check consignment for any omissions or damage.
Pack with 2 end ladder racks and 2 vertical
cover strips.
Pack with 1 middle ladder rack and 1 vertical
cover strip.
Pack with 1 melamine sheet for covering the
side of the unit and 1 vertical cover strip and mounting
Pack with 10 horizontal rails, 3 fluorescent light-
fittings with tubes, 3 doors, 3 sets of hinges, 5 horizontal
cover strips, 2 shelves, 1 multiple electric socket, bag of
white pads and a strip for fixing the shelves.