Telemetry System with Sanwa Synchronized Link Support
Section Continued on Next Page
This section details programming the CODE Auxiliary function for both Auxiliary 1 (Channel 3) and Auxiliary 2 (Channel
4), since programming each of them is the same. Choose either CH A1 for Auxiliary 1 (Channel 3) or CH A2 for Auxiliary 2
(Channel 4), depending on which channel you want to program the CODE Auxiliary function for.
Choosing the CODE Auxiliary Function:
1) From within the AUX menu, press the UP or DOWN keys to highlight AUX SET.
If the cursor isn't flashing over Channel/Options, press the BACK key, then
press the UP or DOWN keys to highlight the AUX SET menu Option.
2) Press the ENTER key, then press the UP or DOWN keys to highlight either CH A1
TYPE or CH A2 TYPE, depending on which Auxiliary channel you want to program,
either Auxiliary 1 (Channel 3) or Auxiliary 2 (Channel 4).
3) Press the ENTER key, then press the UP or DOWN keys to choose the CODE option
for the selected channel.
Changing the CODE Auxiliary Mode Value:
1) Press the ENTER key, then press the UP or DOWN keys to highlight either CH A1
MODE or CH A2 MODE, depending on which Auxiliary channel you're programming.
2) Press the ENTER key, then press the UP or DOWN keys to choose the desired CODE
Auxiliary Mode value, either CODE, SVZ or SVD. For more information, see below.
AUX SET CODE MODE setting range is CODE, SVZ and SVD. The default setting is CODE.
- Choose if You Want to Program Custom CODE AUX Values
- Choose if You Have a Sanwa Super Vortex ZERO ESC
- Choose if You Have a Sanwa Super Vortex DRIFT ESC
Choosing the Key Option (Key Assign Function):
In the default configuration, AUX1 CODE is controlled by Auxiliary Switch Sw2 and AUX2 CODE is controlled by Auxiliary Switch
Sw3. The Key option is a shortcut to the KEY ASSIGN menu, which allows you to Assign the CODE Auxiliary function to a
Trim Switch. For example, you can control individual Code functions while you're driving, such as Timing Advance or Boost, by
using Trim Switch Trm3 to control AUX1 CODE2 or AUX1 CODE3, etc.
The Auxiliary Switches are not suitable for controlling
the CODE Auxiliary function, so we don't recommend using them.
1) Press the ENTER key, then press the UP or DOWN keys to highlight KEY.
2) Press the ENTER key to open the KEY ASSIGN menu, then Assign the desired AUX1
CODE or AUX2 CODE to the desired Auxiliary Switch or Trim Switch. For more
information, see the KEY ASSIGN Menu section on pages 56 through 60.
Changing the CODE Auxiliary Values:
1) From within the AUX SET menu, press the BACK key so the cursor is flashing over
2) Press the UP or DOWN keys to highlight AUX CH, then press the ENTER key to open
the AUX CH menu.
The Custom CODE Auxiliary Value Names (CODE1, CODE2, etc.), cannot be named and the preset SVZ and SVD
CODE Auxiliary Value Names cannot be renamed.