Operating Instructions
Version 1.2
Dated: 07.03.2017
Leak detection mode
This mode is used to apply a constant positive pres-
sure to the duct system for a specific period of time,
to search for possible leaks during this time.
The air hose must be connected to the positive pres-
sure connection
No volumetric flow measurement or dis-
play takes place.
In the TEST PRESS. field the test pressure can be set
within the limits 50 to
500 Pa (the default
pressure on opening
this mode is 250 Pa).
A test duration of 1
to 30 minutes can
be set in the DURATI-
ON field (the default
time on opening this
mode is 15 minutes).
The leak detection
mode begins after
the Start button is
pressed. The current
pressure in Pa and
the remaining time
are displayed conti-
nuously. The device switches off the fan (compressor)
after the time has expired.
This mode can also be ended prematurely by pres-
sing the Stop button.
Press the sTOP (F3) button on the tester
to interrupt the test process at any time.
The device data are
read out and display-
ed in the app. The re-
cord header data are
displayed and can be
changed. After pres-
sing the Save button
the data is transmit-
ted to the tester.
The mobile terminal
uses the time and
date obtained from
the radio network.
Both can be set ma-
nually and transmit-
ted to the tester.
The manual setting of the app language, the langu-
age of the PDF record and the device language, incl.
record printout, is made via the language selection.
Furthermore, the date of the next inspection is dis-