Prior to beginning pH testing, please review the following warnings:
Flammability - The pH reagent, i.e., testing liquid, contains a
limited amount of isopropyl alcohol and is somewhat flammable.
As such the reagent should NEVER be used near an open flame
or other heat source.
Ingestion - Do NOT swallow or otherwise ingest the pH reagent.
Doing so may cause serious illness or even death in extreme
instances. If accidently ingested, rinse the mouth thoroughly but
Do NOT induce vomiting and immediately transport the victim to
the nearest healthcare facility.
Eye Contact - Should the testing reagent be splashed in the
eyes, immediately flush the eyes with running water for at least
20 minutes holding the eyelids open. Do NOT remove contact
lenses prior to flushing.
Keep Out of Reach of Children - Store the pH reagent in a
secure location away from the reach of young children.
3. (Optional) pH Testing - After completing all required installation
steps, familiarizing yourself with the general discussion regarding pH
testing and the warnings presented above, you are ready to begin
actual pH testing by taking the following steps...
a) Press the applicable preset button for which you
wish to test the pH value, e.g., Daily Drinking water.
Dispense water on that setting for at least 10 seconds
through the Flexible Metal Spout to flush any stale
water and/or from prior settings out of the unit.
b) Fill the pH Value Detection Bottle with water to
3/4 full, as in the image to the right.
c) Open the bottle of pH Reagent; and using the
eyedropper squeeze exactly two drops of reagent
into the water-filled pH Value Detection Bottle and
shake gently to distribute the reagent evenly.
d) The water in the bottle will change color. Compare
the water’s color to that of the pH Color Chart.
pH Value
Detection Bottle
pH Reagent
with Eyedropper
Owner’s Manual: Aqua-Ionizer Deluxe 9.0