FORM 0094A (REV. D) 10/11
These instructions apply to the following ACCEL products:
59107 & 59107C
Performance HEI Distributor for standard deck height
Chevrolet engines
The following parts are included in this package:
1 59107 or 59107C Performance Distributor
1 Coil Hardware Kit (59107 only)
1 Coil Mounting Kit (59107 only)
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10601 Memphis Ave #12
Cleveland, OH 44144
(216) 688-8300 ext. 500
Website: www.mrgasket.com
ACCEL Performance Distributors are direct bolt-in replacements but
offer improved performance and fuel economy potential. Although
installation is easy, reading these instructions BEFORE STARTING THE
INSTALLATION, will assure that you’ll be able to take maximum
advantage of all the performance your ACCEL Performance Distributor
was designed to deliver.
Step 1 –
After unpacking the distributor, check it for any damage that
might have occurred during shipping, then remove the cap.
Step 2 –
If the distributor to be replaced has not already been removed
from the engine, pull the cap off. Unplug the pickup-to-coil harness from
the cap. Do not remove the plug wires at this time. Crank the engine
slowly until the rotor blade is pointed at a fixed point on the engine
or firewall.
Step 3 –
Unplug the distributor-to-ignition harness from the cap.
Step 4 –
Note the position of the vacuum advance canister. Put a
reference mark on the engine or firewall so that the new distributor
may be easily installed in the same position.
Step 5 –
Loosen and remove the distributor hold-down bolt and clamp.
Lift the distributor out. If the engine has been running within the past few
minutes, the distributor housing may be hot and coated with hot engine
oil. Wrap a shop towel around the distributor to avoid burning your hands
and dripping oil.
Step 6 –
Lower the new distributor into position. The rotor should be
pointing at the same fixed point as the discarded distributor and the
vacuum canister aligned with the reference mark.
After the distributor has been lowered into place, you may find that it
hasn’t seated firmly against the support boss. This indicates that the
lower end of the distributor shaft is not properly aligned with the oil
pump drive rod. Do not attempt to force the distributor into position.
Step 7 –
Reinstall the hold-down clamp and thread the bolt in just
enough to exert a very slight pressure against the distributor. If the
distributor is not firmly seated, rotate the engine until it drops down
into place.
Step 8 –
With the distributor properly seated, tighten the hold-down bolt
just enough so that the distributor is held in place, but can still be rotated
with a little effort. Again, make sure that the vacuum canister is aligned
with the reference mark.
Step 9 –
Remove the spark plug wires one at a time from the old cap
and install them in the corresponding positions on the new one. It will
also be necessary to transfer the coil and coil cover from the old cap to
the new one (59107 only). After all wires have been transferred, verify
that the wire in the terminal post that is aligned with the rotor leads to
cylinder number one. If you are unsure of cylinder number position or
firing order, this information can be found in the service manual that
covers your particular engine. Install the distributor cap.
Step 10 –
Reconnect the pickup lead connector and the distributor-to-
ignition harness into the new distributor cap.
Step 11 –
Connect a timing light. Start the engine and allow it to warm
up sufficiently to idle smoothly. It may be necessary to rotate the distributor
(either clockwise or counter-clockwise) before a smooth idle can be
achieved. If the engine will not idle smoothly, the firing order may be
incorrect or the rotor may not have been properly aligned during
installation. Consult a service manual for corrective procedures.
Step 12 –
Consult the appropriate service manual to determine the
factory recommended initial timing and idle speed. Set initial spark
timing with the vacuum advance line disconnected and plugged.
Advancing timing two to four degrees from the factory setting will usually
provide improved performance and fuel economy. However, timing
advance beyond factory specifications may result in detonation, which
can cause engine damage. Listen carefully - if you hear the engine
knocking or pinging, retard initial timing as required to eliminate it.
Step 13 –
Insert the supplied 3/32” hex wrench in the vacuum canister
nipple and rotate the adjusting screw counter-clockwise until it bottoms
against its stop, then turn four complete turns clockwise. This is approxi-
mately 7” dist. (14” eng.) at approximately 12” vacuum. This is a starting
point for the vacuum advance adjustment. If surging or pinging is noticed
at cruise RPM, turn the adjustment counter-clockwise until condition is
no longer noticed. If more advance is needed, turn adjustment clockwise.
Most distributors are equipped with two spark advance mechanisms.
Centrifugal or mechanical advance is controlled by engine speed - as
engine RPM increases, so does mechanical advance, up to a point. The
total amount of mechanical spark lead (which varies according to the
engine) is limited by a stop in the advance mechanism.
Vacuum advance is regulated by manifold vacuum which is a function of
the load placed on the engine. Under light loads, such as when cruising
at a steady speed on the highway, an engine can tolerate more spark
advance than it can when under a heavy load such as when climbing a
hill or accelerating at wide open throttle.
Vacuum advance rate may be adjusted. Again, the procedure is to run as
much advance as the engine will tolerate without detonating. To increase
the vacuum advance rate, insert the supplied 3/32” hex wrench in the