Feniks FUTURE Instruction Manual, No.
, 2012, page
AIR-POL Sp. z o.o.
– 05-120 Legionowo, ul. Olszankowa 52, www.air-pol.com.pl
tel.: (+4822) 774 0711, (+4822) 784 1595, (+4822) 774 4832, fax (+4822) 784 9640, @: [email protected]
AIR-POL has done anything and everything possible to apply the highest quality and safety standards in
manufacturing the parachute you purchased. Parachute components manufactured with the use of top-quality
materials conform to all requirements for equipment to be used with the purpose as intended in the industry. The
testing process of our parachutes has confirmed all our technical solution choices as correct. Nonetheless, AIR-
POL cannot exclude the risk of damage to or malfunction of the parachute in case of highly unfavourable
circumstances coinciding, such circumstances remaining beyond AIR-POL’s competencies or responsibility.
In order to minimize that risk:
Always check whether all parachute system parts have been assembled and packed in conformity to this
Instruction Manual,
Always store and use your parachute in conformity to this Instruction Manual,
Always follow national parachute safety rules.
AIR-POL provides warranty – valid for a period of 24 months as of the date of purchase – for all parachute
components. Should you notice any anomalies or threat to the functionality of your system, the parachute ought
to be analysed by an expert recommended by an authorised dealership.
Congratulations on your purchase. We wish you joy and success in using your new system.
All rights reserved. This Instruction Manual shall be reproduced in its entirety only, with no modification or shortening thereof. For
distribution purposes, this Instruction Manual shall not be used with any of its items, trademarks, and AIR-POL-related information missing.
The following shall be strictly prohibited without explicit consent of the intellectual property rights owner: any modifications, reproduction in
part (of photographs and figures in particular), quotation without the source cited, reproduction and/or publication of excerpts with the use
of electronic, mechanical, copying, recording or other equipment, database use for purposes of database development, or database
storage (in whole or in part).