Jog Control
The rotary 'jog' control permits the output voltage or current limit to be incremented or
decremented in steps with a resolution set by the JOG SET keys; the output immediately follows
the setting, i.e. no OK is required.
At power-up jog is always off. To jog the voltage or current setting press the V or I JOG SET key;
the associated lamp will illuminate and the appropriate parameter display now changes to two
lines. With the output ON the top line continues to show the actual output, but the additional
lower display now shows the present
value; in the lower display, the JOG indicator ( ) is
positioned under the digit that was last jogged. Whilst the V or I JOG SET indicator is lit, each
further press of the V or I key moves the JOG indicator one digit to the left; the selection 'wraps-
round' such that when the largest value of jog increment has been reached the next press returns
it to the lowest. The default position at power-up is under the LSD, i.e. the lowest jog increment
is selected.
Turning the rotary jog control clockwise/anti-clockwise increments/decrements the selected digit;
digits to the left of the one being jogged are automatically incremented/decremented when the
decade overflow/underflow point is reached. Digits to the right of the one being jogged remain
unchanged unless the jog step overflows/underflows the maximum/minimum settings in which
case they are set to zero. For example, 59·861V goes to 59·961V goes to 60·000V for a 0.1V
jog increment; 1.60A goes to 0·60A goes to 0·01A for a 1A jog decrement.
The jog steps that can be selected are 1mV, 10mV, 100mV and 10mA, 100mA, 1A.
To disable the jog rotary control press the JOG SET OFF key; reselecting JOG SET V or I will
enable jog on the last used digit position. Jog is not cancelled by using numeric entry or any of
the SHIFT functions but it is disabled whilst that function is enabled.
Note that the dual display of the parameter being jogged is primarily of use if the output is ON;
with the output off both lines of the display show the
value and change simultaneously
as the parameter is jogged.
At power-up the display briefly shows the instrument model number and installed firmware
revision (Keyboard and Control firmware revision on the left; Interface firmware on the right)
before reverting to the standard status display.
The standard status display shows the voltage on the left (above the front panel VOLTS marking)
and the current on the right (above the front panel AMPS marking) together with the present
output status, i.e.
, or
; if the output is off then
is also
shown in the display above the V and I values. The status of the LAN connection is also shown in
the top left corner of the display, as required for LXI compliance. Refer to the 'LAN Status
Indication' paragraph in the LAN Interface section for details. During other operations, however,
the display capabilities are used more extensively to show, for example, prompts during function
settings, e.g. memory store and recall operations or the extra functions accessed via the
function; details are given in the relevant sections of this manual.
The display contrast is set at the factory but can be adjusted from the keyboard to optimise it for
particular ambient operating conditions. Press SHIFT, # , select Extra Function 90, and follow the
on-screen prompts.