© 2013 Agrowtek Inc.
| 83 Ambrogio Dr Suite H Gurnee, IL 60031 | [email protected]
Lights, Day & Night Mode Controls
The day and night modes controls determine how the controller will decide when to switch between the day and night settings
that are entered in controls functions.
Day/Night Mode
“Synchronize with Lights” mode synchronizes with the lighting timer; day when lights are on, and night when off.
“Light Irradiance Sensor” mode activates day mode when the light level reaches the “W/m2 Day” set point and activates night
mode when the light level falls to the “W/m2 Night” set point. This mode is intended to be used in environments with sunlight.
“Flip-Box Mode” is designed to be used with dual zone environments. When in flip-mode the controller will assume zone 1 is in
day mode when the flip trigger is off and zone 2 is in night mode. When ‘flipped’ zone 1 will be in night mode and zone 2 will
be in day mode. Use the light flip timer to set the flip time, change delay and trigger outputs.
Day/Night Outputs: Enter an output number to activate during the day or night period.
For example, if you want air
circulation fans to run all day but not at night, enter the fans output number into the “day” output.
W/m2 Day/Night: Light intensity levels which determine day and night when using the light sensor mode, and which will
activate light alarms (see alarms.)
The day and night modes are accessed via the “Controls” menu.
System administrator password is required to access the day/night mode menu if set.
The day and night mode settings are accessed on the first page
of the controls menu by pressing the “Light” controls button
then “Day/Night Mode” button.
Each zone can detect day/night from the lighting
timer, light sensor or flip box position. Also, an
output can be activated during the day or night