Unfolding into the Work Position
1. Open the machine if possible on level ground, if this is not possible try and orientate the machine so
the drawbar and tractor is pointing up any slope.
2. Fold down the light units and open the inline hydraulic tap on the wing catcher circuit (A).
3. Operate the wing circuit (blue) spool. Then open the wings out (C and D). Continue to pressure the
wings out keep pumping until the wing cylinders have reached full stroke. When the wings are fully
open they will appear not to be parallel. This is to enable the machine to ‘float’ over uneven ground in
work and is normal.
4. With the wings fully open (E) operate the tilt (green) spool to lower the machine rearwards (F).
Continue to operate the tilt spool once the working elements have touched the ground. (G).
NOTE: when tilting rearwards from folded there will be a delay (5-15 seconds depending on flow)
before the machine begins to tilt. This is normal; continue to pump oil as normal.
5. With the machine now tilted onto the
rear roll
fully turn off the inline hydraulic tap on the wing (blue)
circuit. This will isolate the catcher arm circuit.
6. The machine is now ready to be set for work.