d-lab.2, d-lab.2plus, netlab.2plus: Preinstallation
2005-05-01 / PN 04100_01
Yes No
Floor load meats the requirements (at least 500 kg/m²)?
Floor covering meets the requirements?
(resistant to water and chemicals; no carpet)
Even floors?
(no inclination, raised or uneven spots, et.)
Remarks: __________________________________________________________________
Darkroom / dark tent
Is a darkroom or dark tent available to load the paper rolls?
Disposal of chemicals
The customer is familiar with the local regulations regarding the disposal and made the required
Air conditioning and room aeration
Operating area has sufficient aeration / air conditioning to ensure the required room temperature
and humidity?
Applies only to machines with gas laser (d-lab.2 type 8060/260 and d-lab.2plus type 8060/261)
Warm air extraction for laser exhaust (220 m³ / h; connection position see A
in the illustration,
previous page) or air conditioning.
Air exhaust adapter
125 mm, Type 8060/350
The customer is familiar with the local regulations regarding the regular exchange of air in working
rooms and made the required preparations?
Remarks: __________________________________________________________________