AES uScope Manual
Copyright 2011 by Automotive Electronics Services, Inc.
Page 9
Tr. Level
(Trigger Volt Level)
“Tr.” Mode
Use LEFT/RIGHT to select desired position of the Trigger level
Left moves the trigger level down and right moves it up.
Note: horizontal yellow trigger level indicator trace.
“OK” to exit menu
Tr. Slope
(Trigger Slope)
“Tr” Slope
Use LEFT/RIGHT to select Trigger Slope
Trigger Slope will be indicated by a yellow or red arrow just to the right of the
trigger mode at top left of the uScope screen
Note: When the trigger is red, this indicates the trigger is out of range.
“OK” to exit menu
Tr. Window
(Trigger Window)
Highlight Tr. Window
Use LEFT/RIGHT to select trigger window. LEFT makes the window smaller and
RIGHT makes it larger (vertically).
Trigger window is indicated by the orange horizontal cursors
“OK” to exit menu
Tr HPos
(Trigger Horizontal Position)
Highlight HPos
Use LEFT/RIGHT to select the trigger horizontal position.
“OK” to exit menu
Automotive Presets Menu (memory card must be inserted)
Select the “PS” menu item and press “OK” to activate the menu.
Use UP/DOWN to select preset type
Use LEFT/RIGHT to scroll through different preset setups.
Press and hold
“OK” to load select preset.
Screen will blink after loading preset and the preset name will be fixed in the top
right of the screen.
“OK” to exit the menu
User Setups
Please reference the user’s manual for more information.
Show/Hide Ref
Use UP/DOWN to highlight the menu item
Use LEFT/RIGHT to toggle reference waveform on and off
“OK” to exit the menu
Save Waveforms, Setups, Configuration and Images on SD Card
Highlight the “SD” menu and press “OK” to activate the menu.
Note: SD card must be present in uScope.
Save as image
Highlight the “save as image” menu item.
Use LEFT/RIGHT to select file number to save. Note: filename at top right of