6. Use a small flat stick, an epoxy stir stick works
well, to keep the ailerons in the neutral position
as shown.
.46-.60 Pushrod Assembly
1. Gather the following items for the .46-60 size
model shown below:
2 - 2-56 Pushrods
2 - 2-56 threaded metal R/C links
2 - nylon keepers
3. At the location marked in the previous step make
a 90 degree bend in the pushrod. Remove the
excess rod with a pair of wire cutters. Install the
pushrod through the servo arm and into the ny-
lon keeper.
2. Install the pushrod onto the nylon control horn
using the supplied R/C Link. Center all servos
using the radio, leave the radio on until you have
clearly marked the pushrod. Using a felt-tip pen
mark the location for the 90 degree bend on the
push rod.