3. From this mark measure 1/2” toward the stab tip
and mark the leading edge of the elevator as
shown. This mark will be the center of the ele-
vator control horn.
: The control horn mounting holes may have
been factory drilled for you. If so, go to the next
Tape leading edge of the elevator balance tab
to the leading edge of the stab in the neutral
position. Plug the servo into the receiver and
turn on. Ensure the servo is centered and the
servo arm is parallel to the elevator hinge line.
Attach front ball link to servo arm. Adjust the
length of the pushrod so that the leading edge
of the control horns are aligned with the bot-
tom leading edge of the elevator. Center the
control horn over the mark and mark the
mounting hole locations as shown. (
: If
the control horn holes are factory drilled, align
the control horns over pre-drilled holes.)
5. Use a 1/16” bit to drill the control horn mount-
ing holes.
: The control horn mounting holes may have
been factory drilled for you. If so, go to the next
6. Align the left and right sides of the control horns
to the mounting holes and mount using six wood
screws as shown.
Use thin CA to lock screws in place