1. Use a Dremel or suitable device and
trim the center wheel opening on the
wheel pants on the side with the wood-
mounting block. Trim the center of the
wheel pants to fit the axle heads using
the wood block as guide
(figure 8 and
2. Raise the rear of the fuselage until the
model is level and block it in place. You
can use the cowling to block the fuselage
in a level position
(figure 10).
3. Hold one wheel pant in place while
keeping the bottom of the wheel opening
level with your work surface and mark
your hole locations through the
mounting holes in the landing gear.
Repeat this step for the other side
(figure 11).
4. Drill the holes for the 4/40 bolts in the
wheel pants at the locations you ve
5. Apply some white wood glue to the
inner side of the four 4/40 blind nuts and
install the blind nuts to the inside of the
wheel pants
(figure 14 and 15).
6. Mount the wheel pants to the landing
gear using four 4/40 x / bolts with
spring and flat washers. Use loc-tite on
these bolts, they are prone to severe
(figure 16 and 17).