aerauliqa QR230E Скачать руководство пользователя страница 11


A dátumot és az időt állíthatja.

A bevitelhez nyomja meg az OK gombot.

A kiválasztáshoz használja a ▲ vagy ▼ gombokat.

A beállításhoz nyomja meg az OK gombot, majd a megerősítéshez nyomja meg még egyszer. 

Az előző menübe való visszalépéshez nyomja meg az ESC gombot.

A  gyári  beállítás  („DEFAuLT”)  a  „YES”  (igen),  mivel  a  QR230E  egy  beépített  fizikai 

megkerülővezetékkel van ellátva.

Beállíthatja a megkerülés (Bypass) és szabad hűtés (Free Cooling) működési paramétereit.

A bevitelhez nyomja meg az OK gombot.

A “Desired Temperature” (Kívánt hőmérséklet), a „Tmax Free Heating” (Tmax szabad fűtés) és a 

„Tmin Free Cooling” (Tmin szabad hűtés) kiválasztásához használja a ▲vagy ▼ gombot. 

A szabad hűtés („Free Cooling”) beállítását lásd a 7.3. szakaszt.

A kiválasztáshoz nyomja meg az OK gombot.
Beállítási tartomány:

Desired temperature (Kívánt kőmérséklet): 15°C - 30°C

Tmax Free Heating (Tmax Szabad fűtés): 25°C - 30°C

Tmin Free Cooling (Szabad hűtés): 15°C - 20°C

A ▲ vagy ▼ gombokkal növelheti vagy csökkentheti a hőmérsékletet.

A kiválasztáshoz nyomja meg az OK gombot.

Az előző menübe való visszalépéshez nyomja meg az ESC gombot.
A gyári beállítások (ALAPÉRTELMEZETT): 

Desired temperature (Kívánt kőmérséklet): 23°C 

Tmax Free Heating (Tmax szabad fűtés): 28°C 

Tmin Free Cooling (Tmin szabad hűtés): 18°C

Kizárólag akkor választható, ha a megkerülés (Bypass) funkció „NO” (nem) beállításon van.

A bevitelhez nyomja meg az OK gombot.

A ▲ vagy ▼ gombokkal válasszon a YES (igen) és NO (nem) opciók között.

A megerősítéshez nyomja meg az OK gombot.

A gyári alapbeállítás (DEAFuLT) a NO (nem).
A funkció abban az esetben működik, ha a Free Cooling (szabad hűtés) menüpontban a YES 

(igen) opciót választottuk. Amikor a funkció aktív, az LCD kijelzőn a 


It allows to set the date and the time 
Press OK to enter.


 to choose.

Press OK for setting and again to confirm.
Press ESC to go back to the previous menu.

The factory setting (DEFAULT) is YES because the QR230E is equipped with an 

integral physical bypass.

Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free Cooling

Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free Cooling

Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free Cooling

It allows to set the Bypass/Free Cooling operation parameters
Press OK to enter.


 to choose “Desired Temperature”, “Tmax Free Heating”, “Tmin Free Cooling”

For definitions see “Free Cooling”, paragraph 7.3.

Press OK to select.

The setting ranges are:
Desired Temperature: 15°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 25°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 15°C ÷ 20°C 



 to increase or decrease the temperature.

Press OK to select.
Press ESC to go back to the previous menu.

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are:
Desired Temperature: 23°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 28°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 18°C 

Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free cooling

To be selected only in case Bypass is set on NO.
Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO or YES.

Press OK to select.

The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

This function is enabled only if FREE COOLING is set on YES. When it is operating, the icon            



displayed on LCD.
This function mitigates heat exchange when the combination of internal and external temperatures are such 
that the heat exchange is not recommendable.
For temperature settings see previous point 4

Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

To be selected only in case an external heating element (not supplied) is present.

Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO/PRE/POST.

Press OK to select.

The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

NO: HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is never activated 
PRE: the heating element is intalled at “intake air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is activated and heating icon        displays on LCD when 
POST: the heating element is intalled at “supply air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is activated and heating icon  


   displays on LCD when




 ikon jelenik meg.

Amikor a külső és a belső hőmérséklet együttese úgy alakul, hogy hőcsere nem javasolt, a funk-

ció csökkenti a hőcsere mértékét.

A hőmérséklet beállításokat lásd az előző 4. pontnál.


 csak abban az esetben válassza ki, ha rendelkezésre áll külső fűtőegység (nem tartozék). 

A belépéshez nyomja meg az OK gombot.

A ▲ vagy ▼ gombokkal választhat az NO (NEM) / PRE (ELŐ) / POST (uTÓ) opció közül.

A kiválasztáshoz nyomja meg az OK gombot.

A gyári beállítás (ALAPÉRTELMEZET) a NO (NEM).
NO (NEM): a FŰTÉS kimenet (5.g. ábra) soha nincs bekapcsolva.

PRE (ELŐ): a fűtőelem a „Beszívott levegő felőli oldalra” került felszerelésre (7.a. ábra - 


Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free Cooling

It allows to set the Bypass/Free Cooling operation parameters
Press OK to enter.


 to choose “Desired Temperature”, “Tmax Free Heating”, “Tmin Free Cooling”

For definitions see “Free Cooling”, paragraph 7.3.
Press OK to select.

The setting ranges are:
Desired Temperature: 15°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 25°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 15°C ÷ 20°C 


 to increase or decrease the temperature.

Press OK to select.
Press ESC to go back to the previous menu.

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are:
Desired Temperature: 23°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 28°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 18°C 

Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

This option displays only if “Heating” is set on PRE or POST.
It allows to set the heating threshold in case of PRE or POST heating.
Press OK to enter.


 to set the temperature.

Press OK to select.

Setting ranges:
PRE: -20°C ÷ 0°C
POST: +15°C ÷ +25°C

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are: 

To be selected only in case an external heating element (not supplied) is present.
Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO/PRE/POST.

Press OK to select.
The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

NO: HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is never activated 
PRE: the heating element is intalled at “intake air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is activated and heating icon        displays on LCD when 
POST: the heating element is intalled at “supply air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is activated and heating icon  


   displays on LCD when


Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free cooling

To be selected only in case Bypass is set on NO.
Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO or YES.

Press OK to select.
The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

This function is enabled only if FREE COOLING is set on YES. When it is operating, the icon            



displayed on LCD.
This function mitigates heat exchange when the combination of internal and external temperatures are such 
that the heat exchange is not recommendable.
For temperature settings see previous point 4




A FŰTÉS kimenet (5.g. ábra) be van kapcsolva és a 


Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free Cooling

It allows to set the Bypass/Free Cooling operation parameters
Press OK to enter.


 to choose “Desired Temperature”, “Tmax Free Heating”, “Tmin Free Cooling”

For definitions see “Free Cooling”, paragraph 7.3.
Press OK to select.

The setting ranges are:
Desired Temperature: 15°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 25°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 15°C ÷ 20°C 


 to increase or decrease the temperature.

Press OK to select.
Press ESC to go back to the previous menu.

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are:
Desired Temperature: 23°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 28°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 18°C 

Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

This option displays only if “Heating” is set on PRE or POST.
It allows to set the heating threshold in case of PRE or POST heating.
Press OK to enter.


 to set the temperature.

Press OK to select.

Setting ranges:
PRE: -20°C ÷ 0°C
POST: +15°C ÷ +25°C

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are: 

To be selected only in case an external heating element (not supplied) is present.
Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO/PRE/POST.

Press OK to select.
The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

NO: HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is never activated 
PRE: the heating element is intalled at “intake air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is activated and heating icon        displays on LCD when 
POST: the heating element is intalled at “supply air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is activated and heating icon  


   displays on LCD when


Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free cooling

To be selected only in case Bypass is set on NO.
Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO or YES.

Press OK to select.
The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

This function is enabled only if FREE COOLING is set on YES. When it is operating, the icon            



displayed on LCD.
This function mitigates heat exchange when the combination of internal and external temperatures are such 
that the heat exchange is not recommendable.
For temperature settings see previous point 4



 fűtés ikon  megjelenik az LCD kijelzőn, ha 


POST (uTÓ): a fűtőelem a „Bevezetett levegő felőli oldalra” került felszerelésre (7.a. ábra - 


Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free Cooling

It allows to set the Bypass/Free Cooling operation parameters
Press OK to enter.


 to choose “Desired Temperature”, “Tmax Free Heating”, “Tmin Free Cooling”

For definitions see “Free Cooling”, paragraph 7.3.
Press OK to select.

The setting ranges are:
Desired Temperature: 15°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 25°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 15°C ÷ 20°C 


 to increase or decrease the temperature.

Press OK to select.
Press ESC to go back to the previous menu.

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are:
Desired Temperature: 23°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 28°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 18°C 

Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

This option displays only if “Heating” is set on PRE or POST.
It allows to set the heating threshold in case of PRE or POST heating.
Press OK to enter.


 to set the temperature.

Press OK to select.

Setting ranges:
PRE: -20°C ÷ 0°C
POST: +15°C ÷ +25°C

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are: 

To be selected only in case an external heating element (not supplied) is present.
Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO/PRE/POST.

Press OK to select.
The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

NO: HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is never activated 
PRE: the heating element is intalled at “intake air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is activated and heating icon        displays on LCD when 
POST: the heating element is intalled at “supply air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is activated and heating icon  


   displays on LCD when


Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free cooling

To be selected only in case Bypass is set on NO.
Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO or YES.

Press OK to select.
The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

This function is enabled only if FREE COOLING is set on YES. When it is operating, the icon            



displayed on LCD.
This function mitigates heat exchange when the combination of internal and external temperatures are such 
that the heat exchange is not recommendable.
For temperature settings see previous point 4




A FŰTÉS kimenet (5.g. ábra) be van kapcsolva és a 


Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free Cooling

It allows to set the Bypass/Free Cooling operation parameters
Press OK to enter.


 to choose “Desired Temperature”, “Tmax Free Heating”, “Tmin Free Cooling”

For definitions see “Free Cooling”, paragraph 7.3.
Press OK to select.

The setting ranges are:
Desired Temperature: 15°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 25°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 15°C ÷ 20°C 


 to increase or decrease the temperature.

Press OK to select.
Press ESC to go back to the previous menu.

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are:
Desired Temperature: 23°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 28°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 18°C 

Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

This option displays only if “Heating” is set on PRE or POST.
It allows to set the heating threshold in case of PRE or POST heating.
Press OK to enter.


 to set the temperature.

Press OK to select.

Setting ranges:
PRE: -20°C ÷ 0°C
POST: +15°C ÷ +25°C

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are: 

To be selected only in case an external heating element (not supplied) is present.
Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO/PRE/POST.

Press OK to select.
The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

NO: HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is never activated 
PRE: the heating element is intalled at “intake air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is activated and heating icon        displays on LCD when 
POST: the heating element is intalled at “supply air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is activated and heating icon  


   displays on LCD when


Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free cooling

To be selected only in case Bypass is set on NO.
Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO or YES.

Press OK to select.
The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

This function is enabled only if FREE COOLING is set on YES. When it is operating, the icon            



displayed on LCD.
This function mitigates heat exchange when the combination of internal and external temperatures are such 
that the heat exchange is not recommendable.
For temperature settings see previous point 4



 fűtés ikon megjelenik az LCD kijelzőn, ha 



It allows to set the date and the time 
Press OK to enter.


 to choose.

Press OK for setting and again to confirm.
Press ESC to go back to the previous menu.

The factory setting (DEFAULT) is YES because the QR230E is equipped with an 

integral physical bypass.

Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free Cooling

Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free Cooling

Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free Cooling

It allows to set the Bypass/Free Cooling operation parameters
Press OK to enter.


 to choose “Desired Temperature”, “Tmax Free Heating”, “Tmin Free Cooling”

For definitions see “Free Cooling”, paragraph 7.3.

Press OK to select.

The setting ranges are:
Desired Temperature: 15°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 25°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 15°C ÷ 20°C 



 to increase or decrease the temperature.

Press OK to select.
Press ESC to go back to the previous menu.

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are:
Desired Temperature: 23°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 28°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 18°C 

Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free cooling

To be selected only in case Bypass is set on NO.
Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO or YES.

Press OK to select.

The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

This function is enabled only if FREE COOLING is set on YES. When it is operating, the icon            



displayed on LCD.
This function mitigates heat exchange when the combination of internal and external temperatures are such 
that the heat exchange is not recommendable.
For temperature settings see previous point 4

Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

To be selected only in case an external heating element (not supplied) is present.

Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO/PRE/POST.

Press OK to select.

The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

NO: HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is never activated 
PRE: the heating element is intalled at “intake air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is activated and heating icon        displays on LCD when 
POST: the heating element is intalled at “supply air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is activated and heating icon  


   displays on LCD when




Содержание QR230E

Страница 1: ...ions 3 3 4 Space required 3 3 5 Rating Label 4 4 Transport and Storage 4 5 Installation 4 5 1 Unpacking 4 5 2 Where how to install 4 5 3 Ceiling installation 4 5 4 Electric Connections 5 6 Commissioning 7 6 1 Setting Fan speed 7 6 2 Before Starting the System 9 7 Operation 10 7 1 Single speed operation 10 7 2 Two speed operation 10 7 3 Variable speed operation with CTRL M remote manual controller ...

Страница 2: ...delkezéseknek megfelelően túlfeszültség esetén a III védelmi kategóriának megfelelően teljesen megszakítja az áramkört az érintkezők legalább 3 mm távolság ban nyitnak szét HASZNÁLAT Ne használja az eszközt a jelen kézikönyvben meghatározottól eltérő célra Az eszközt ne használják csökkent fizikai érzékszervi vagy mentális képességű személyek beleértve a gyerekeket is vagy tapasztalat tal és ismer...

Страница 3: ... air to inside Extract air from inside A B D C 3 4 Space required Make sure that enough space is left around the unit to allow easy maintenance access to filters terminal box and inspection panel removal EXTRACT SUPPLY INTAKE EXHAUST Weight Kg 25 A B D C 9 10 906 3 5 Rating label Fig 3 b Rating label 3 b ábra Típustábla Tömeg kg fedél kapcsolódoboz 3 A B D C Weight Kg 21 4 3 3 Connections Fig 3 a ...

Страница 4: ...rface where the unit is to be mounted Make sure that the surface is flat leveled and that it supports the weight of the unit Perform the installation in accordance with local rules and regulations 5 b Use appropriate plugs and rods or screws not supplied to fix the unit to the ceiling It is recommended to fit the unit with anti vibration mounts not supplied 5 c Assure that the unit is completely f...

Страница 5: ...ay contact 250Vac 5A N 1 on off output for dehumidification relay contact 250Vac 5A Fig 5 e Electrical connections on the motherboard fitted in the connection box 5 4 Electric Connections The unit must be earthed The QR230E is wired internally from factory To connect the the CTRL DSP to the mother board use a 4pole twisted pair cable max length 30m Figures below show the wiring diagram SLAVE input...

Страница 6: ...0 B C D E F G 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 Curva di efficienza termica Curva di efficienza igrometrica Data of the enthalpic heat exchanger Test conditions Indoor air 25 C 50 RH External air 5 C 70 RH Airflow m3 h Efficiency Intake curve according to Reg 1253 2014 ErP Termical efficiency curve Higrometric efficiency curve Lw dB SOUND POWER OCTAVE B...

Страница 7: ...ELJESÍTMÉNYSZINT OKTÁVSÁV Lw dB HANGTELJESÍTMÉNYSZINT OKTÁVSÁV 7 a ábra Hőmérsékleti érzékelők Kívülről beszívott levegő Kívülre kibocsátott levegő Befelé befúvott levegő Belülről elszívott levegő 3 2 Dimensions mm and Weight 3 3 Connections EXTRACT SUPPLY INTAKE EXHAUST Fig 3 a Connections Intake air from outiside Exhaust air to outside Supply air to inside Extract air from inside Winter condensa...

Страница 8: ...NTI FROST is active this symbol shows that the IAQ input is activated i e CO2 this symbol shows that the HY input is activated this symbol shows that NIGHT MODE is activated this symbol shows that Heating output is activated H J K N O P Q R S U X Some operations can be selected either from the CTRL DSP buttons or from the menu W V U T S X O M L F I F I L M T V W Fig 7 b CTRL DSP When powered on th...

Страница 9: ...sségfokozaton működik Nyomja meg az ESC gombot vagy vár jon körülbelül 60 másodpercet hogy visszatérjen a működési kijelzőhöz Boost menüpont kiválaszthatja a turbó sebességet A kiválasztáshoz nyomja meg az OK gombot A vagy gombbal válassza ki a NO NEM vagy YES IGEN opciót A kiválasztáshoz nyomja meg az OK gombot A turbó fokozatot csak 3V vagy HOLIDAY üzemmód esetén választhatja ki A turbó funkciót...

Страница 10: ... Installer menu It allows to reset the filter alarm after maintenance replacement It can be selected only if the FILTER icon is displayed Fig 7 b Press OK to select User menu 1 Mode Selection 2 Boost 3 Boost Duration 4 Reset FILTER Alarm 5 Night Mode 6 Installer menu It allows to deactivate the automatic operation of the speed increased via sensors during nocturnal hours It operates from 8 00 p m ...

Страница 11: ...r Use or to choose NO PRE POST Press OK to select The factory setting DEFAULT is NO NO HEAT output Fig 5 f is never activated PRE the heating element is intalled at intake air side Fig 7 a HEAT output Fig 5 f is activated and heating icon displays on LCD when T21 HEATING THRESHOLD Fig 7 a POST the heating element is intalled at supply air side Fig 7 a HEAT output Fig 5 f is activated and heating i...

Страница 12: ...vozó légáramláshoz állíthatja A kiválasztáshoz nyomja meg az OK gombot Az előző menübe való visszalépéshez nyomja meg az ESC gombot A gyári beállítás ALAPÉRTELMEZETT a 0 F7 szűrő csak abban az esetben kell kiválasztani ha F7 típusú szűrő van beszerelve a beveze tett levegő oldalon 7 a ábra A belépéshez nyomja meg az OK gombot A vagy gombokkal választhat a Not Installed Nincs beszerelve vagy az Ins...

Страница 13: ...o select Press OK to confirm Press ESC to go back to the previous menu It allows to load the saved setting on the next unit Press OK to enter Use or to choose the desiderd saved setting Press OK to select Press OK to confirm Press ESC to go back to the previous menu Installer menu 11 F7 filter 12 Filter Alarm interval 13 Working Hours Counter 14 Save settings 15 Load settings Installer menu 11 F7 ...

Страница 14: ...SP vezérlő kijelző jelenlétét ha a CTRL DSP vezérlő kijelző nem elérhető vagy hibás a berendezés 3V üzemmódban működik 1 es sebességfokozaton ALAPÉRTELMEZETT állapot FAGYVÉDELEM A beszívó ventilátor sebessége nagyon hideg időjárás esetén a berendezés belsejében jég képződésének megakadályozása érdekében csökken mivel ez károsítaná a hőcserélőt Ebben az esetben a FAULT HANDLING Code error descripti...

Страница 15: ...rings are life time lubricated and maintenance free It is possible to easily disconnect and replace the fans if necessary Filters The filters are of filter quality G4 for both the supply air and extract air filter The filters need to be cleaned regularly and replaced when polluted during main tenance New sets of filters can be acquired from your installer or wholesaler Heat exchanger The unit is e...

Страница 16: ...ns Press FILTER button Fig 7 b to reset the Filter Alarm Filters must aced every year he fans every year with a vacuum cleaner This may differ per situation depending on internal and external environmental conditions and on frequency cleaning Do not move the balance clips of the fan fig 8 f j k l he heat exchanger every year with a vacuum cleaner This may differ per situation depending on internal...

Страница 17: or decrease the temperature Press OK to select Press ESC to go back to the previous menu The factory settings DEFAULT are Desired Temperature 23 C Tmax Free Heating 28 C Tmin Free Cooling 18 C To be selected only in case Bypass is set on NO Press OK to enter Use or to choose NO or YES Press OK to select The factory setting DEFAULT is NO This function is enabled only if FREE COOLING is set on YE...

Страница 18: ...igény szerinti szabályozás központi igény szerinti szabályozás kézi vezérlés nincs DCV o1 Maximális belső elszivárgás 2 5 o2 Maximális külső elszivárgás 1 p1 Belső keveredési arány nem elérhető p2 Külső keveredési arány nem elérhető q Vizuális szűrő telítettség jelzés Vizuális figyelmeztetés jelenik meg a kijelzőn r Szabályozó rácsok telepítésére vonatkozó utasítások nem elérhető s Összeszerelésre...

Страница 19: ...qA SRl reserves the right to modify make improvements to products and or this instruction manual at any time and without prior notice 001604 02 0717 Aerauliqa fenntartja a jogot hogy külön értesítés nélkül módosítson akár a termékeken akár a használati útmutatókon Importőr MULTIKOMPLEX BUDAPEST KFT a páraelszívók szakértője 1995 óta H 1211 Budapest Mansfeld Péter u 27 volt Bajáki Ferenc utca tel 3...

Страница 20: ...2 3 1 General 2 3 2 Dimensions and Weight 3 3 3 Connections 3 3 4 Space required 3 3 5 Rating label 4 4 Transport and Storage 4 5 Installation 4 5 1 Unpacking 4 5 2 Where how to install 4 5 3 Ceiling installation 5 5 4 Electric Connections 6 6 Commissioning 7 6 1 Setting Fan speed 7 6 2 Before Starting the System 8 7 Operation 9 7 1 User Menu on CTRL DSP 10 7 2 Installer Menu on CTRL DSP 12 7 3 Ad...

Страница 21: ...eater than 3mm USE The device should not be used for applications other than those specified in this manual The device is not intended for use by persons including children with reduced physical sensory or mental capacities or those with a lack of experience and knowledge unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the device from a person responsible for their safety ...

Страница 22: ...side Supply air to inside Extract air from inside A B D C 3 4 Space required Make sure that enough space is left around the unit to allow easy maintenance access to filters terminal box and inspection panel removal EXTRACT SUPPLY INTAKE EXHAUST Weight Kg 25 A B D C 9 10 906 3 5 Rating label Fig 3 b Rating label ...

Страница 23: ...ace for opening the removable panel and for removal of the main components see 3 4 The outdoor air intake of the building should if possible be put in the northern or eastern side of the building and away from other exhaust outlets like kitchen fan exhausts or laundry room outlets WARNING Make sure that specific warnings and cautions in Chapter 2 Precautions are carefully read understood and appli...

Страница 24: ...ction N 1 4 pole connector for CTRL DSP RS485 plus 12Vdc supply Outputs N 1 on off output for pre heating post heating relay contact 250Vac 5A N 1 on off output for dehumidification relay contact 250Vac 5A Fig 5 e Electrical connections on the motherboard fitted in the connection box 5 4 Electric Connections The unit must be earthed The QR230E is wired internally from factory To connect the the CT...

Страница 25: ... 60 70 80 90 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 Curva di efficienza termica Curva di efficienza igrometrica Data of the enthalpic heat exchanger Test conditions Indoor air 25 C 50 RH External air 5 C 70 RH Airflow m3 h Efficiency Intake curve according to Reg 1253 2014 ErP Termical efficiency curve Higrometric efficiency curve 100 Lw dB SOUND POWER OCTAVE BAND Lp dB A 63 125 250 500...

Страница 26: ... 8K Tot 3m Intake 52 55 61 51 45 42 36 31 63 34 Supply 51 54 56 47 42 37 27 25 59 30 Extract 51 54 57 46 42 35 27 23 60 30 Exhaust 52 57 61 49 45 44 40 32 63 34 Breakout 51 54 55 45 44 37 29 24 59 29 40 Lw dB SOUND POWER OCTAVE BAND Lp dB A 63 125 250 500 1 K 2 K 4 K 8K Tot 3m Intake 47 50 50 42 35 32 25 22 54 24 Supply 47 48 48 38 33 27 22 20 53 21 Extract 47 49 48 37 33 25 20 20 53 21 Exhaust 49...

Страница 27: ... power off the ventilation unit shows error alarm see point 7 3 to check the type of error this symbol shows if the bypass or free cooling function is active this symbol shows that ANTI FROST is active this symbol shows that the IAQ input is activated i e CO2 this symbol shows that the HY input is activated this symbol shows that NIGHT MODE is activated this symbol shows that Heating output is act...

Страница 28: ...ation screen Mode selection OFF OFF mode OFF is flashing press OK to select The fans are switched off the power supply to the motors is interrupted Press ESC or wait for about 60 sec to go back to the operation screen OFF is displayed 7 1 User Menu on CTRL DSP To enter the user menu press OK or ESC To exit the user menu press ESC or wait for about 60 seconds User menu 1 Mode Selection 2 Boost 3 Bo...

Страница 29: ESC to go back to the previous menu Enter installer menu I 7 2 Installer Menu The Installer menu can be selected either by selecting point 6 in the User menu or by holding OK ESC for about 7 seconds To exit the installer menu press ESC or wait for about 60 seconds It allows to select the language among English Italiano Nederlands Français Deutsch Espanol Press OK to enter Language is flashing u...

Страница 30: ...8 C Tmin Free Cooling 18 C Installer menu 1 Language 2 Date Time 3 Bypass 4 Bypass settings 5 Free cooling To be selected only in case Bypass is set on NO Press OK to enter Use or to choose NO or YES Press OK to select The factory setting DEFAULT is NO This function is enabled only if FREE COOLING is set on YES When it is operating the icon is displayed on LCD This function mitigates heat exchange...

Страница 31: ... Holiday 10 40 Use or to increase or decrease the speed percentage Press OK to select Press ESC to go back to the previous menu The factory settings DEFAULT are speed 1 40 speed 2 70 speed 3 100 Holiday 20 Installer menu 11 F7 filter 12 Filter Alarm interval 13 Working Hours Counter 14 Save settings 15 Load settings To be selected only in case an F7 filter is installed at the supply air side Fig 7...

Страница 32: ...ed Press OK to select Press OK to confirm Press ESC to go back to the previous menu It allows to load the saved setting on the next unit Press OK to enter Use or to choose the desiderd saved setting Press OK to select Press OK to confirm Press ESC to go back to the previous menu Installer menu 11 F7 filter 12 Filter Alarm interval 13 Working Hours Counter 14 Save settings 15 Load settings Installe...

Страница 33: ...Fig 7 a E005 thermistor T21 broken disconnected Fig 7 a E006 thermistor T22 broken disconnected Fig 7 a E007 dehumidifier alarm BST INPUT E008 CTRL DSP internal error NOTE the controller board verifies the presence of CTRL DSP periodically if CTRL DSP is absent or faulty the unit works in 3V mode at speed 1 default condition ANTI FROST Intake Fan speed is reduced during very cold weather in order ...

Страница 34: ...changer suitable to transfer thermal energy and humidity from one airflow to the other The heat exchanger is removable for cleaning and maintenance during service Thermistors Temperature probes to implement temperature dependent functions 8 3 Maintenance Keep the unit surface free from dust Clean the filters with a vacuum cleaner following the below illustrations fig 8 b c d e when the FILTER sign...

Страница 35: Do not move the balance clips of the fan fig 8 f j k l Clean the heat exchanger every year with a vacuum cleaner This may differ per situation depending on internal and external environmental conditions and on frequency of filter cleaning To remove the heat exchanger unlock the specific bracket by turning the yellow screw fig 8 f j k m n o 8 4 Service WARNING Make sure that the mains supply to...

Страница 36: ...f air intake and exhaust have been clogged 6 Check ducting system for damage and or dirt accumulation 7 Check if the free cooling icon is displayed on LCD 8 Check if Anti frost icon is displayed on LCD Fan noise vibrations 1 Clean fan impellers Cleaning required 2 Check that the fans are firmly in place within the unit 3 Check that the unit has been installed with anti vibration mounts Excessive a...

Страница 37: ...ntrol typology Local demand control Central demand control Manual control no DCV o1 Maximum internal leakage rate 2 5 o2 Maximum external leakage rate 1 p1 Internal mixing rate N A p2 External mixing rate N A q Visual filter warning Visual filter warning on display r Instructions to install regulated grilles N A s Internet address for preassembly disassembly instructions www aerauliqa com t Airflo...

Страница 38: ...19 NOTE ...

Страница 39: via Corsica 10 25125 Brescia C F e P IVA VAT 03369930981 REA BS 528635 Tel 39 030 674681 Fax 39 030 6872149 www aerauliqa it info aerauliqa it Aerauliqa srl reserves the right to modify make improvements to products and or this instruction manual at any time and without prior notice 001604 02 0717 ...
