Audio Routing, Mixing and Processing System for Program Production Centres
3.1.10. Opening and regulation of channels, channel label and page changes.
The ARENA DM console has channels that can be assigned to different input and
output routes in a completely flexible manner. A single physical channel on the
control surface can regulate, at different times, an input circuit signal, or an output
circuit or even a subgroup. In the configuration software the signals assignments to
each channel are defined.
In the standard mode to change pages, the active page press-button
associated with indicator
Page Swap
are used (7). When changing the page, the
channel internal configuration, their light indicators and the motorized fader position
change according to the new active page.
The channel label, located on the second line of the display indicating channel
routing (17), shows the name of the input / output circuit regulating the channel at
that moment.
A fader’s (18) position can be manually modified at any time, and the last position
reached will be memorized for the active channel.
In the Memories mode you can store all the adjustments made with the controls of
the channels on the surface (except input gain, phase and mode). The storable
parameters include: signal assigned to the channel, activation and adjustments of
effects, routing status of each channel, activation status of the channel, fader
position, etc.
The channel open-closed press-buttons / indicators (19) are under each fader; their
default programming easily permits to opening or closing the channel sending to the
main master bus. In the “
Bus Send Mode
”, the upper pushbutton performs the
ON/OFF function, while the lower button sends the signal to the CUE bus.