Summary of Important Notes
Product Use
Product Installa�on
Product Principles and Func�ons
Func�ons of the Product
Product Opera�on Instruc�ons
Cleaning and Maintenance
Thank you for using our AEOLUS UC-1801ICU.INCUBATOR.
We want you to get the most out of the machine and to have your experience in
using it proceed with ease. Detailed instruc�ons are provided along with the
product's introduc�on, usage and to correctly use it and take full advantage of all
opera�ons and func�ons.
Incase of any prin�ng or transla�on error, we apologize for the inconvenience. As
for the content change, we are sorry for no further no�ce.
The Instruction Manual is used for AEOLUS UC-1801ICU.INCUBATOR (Pet ICU/Young Pet Incubator)
designed by AEOLUS International.
Installation, use, cleaning, maintenance and repair of the ICU, as well as principles and functions of the
product, caution and warnings, common fault analysis and troubleshooting and after-sales services etc. are
all in the Overview. Users should operate the product in accordance with requirements as stated in the
Instruction Manual. The warranty does not apply in cases where the product fails due to incorrect operation
or improper maintenance by non-professionals. All staff use the equipment shall read the Instruction Manual
carefully before turning on the equipment. If you have difficulty in understanding the Manual, please contact
a local AEOLUS product distributor or the company for more detailed information.
AEOLUS UC-1801-ICU.INCUBATOR (Pet ICU/Young Pet Incubator) is a newly developed pet ICU and
young pet incubator developed to serve an enormous need and fill a vacancy in the domestic pet care
industry. This moderately sized piece of pet medical equipment will easily fit into most veterinarians’ practic-
es and pet hospitals. Its characteristics and compact structural design functions perfectly server its purpose.
The mechanism adopts "dual duct and double circulation convective thermal regulation" to create an
excellent and bacteria-free therapeutic environment and young pet incubation environment similar to that
provided pet parent (accompanied by purified air and proper temperature and humidity control).
In many countries, our Company is the first to introduce computer technology and auxiliary medical devices
for pets in the area of ICU control systems. This allows for more accurate temperature control of ICU, and
brings greater convenience for clinical use. The machine is equipped with an intelligent alarm device for five
faults sensor, extreme temperature, excessive moisture, indoor carbon dioxide concentration, lack-of-water
in the tank and power supply Interruption). This alarm system is tested and proven to be safe and reliable.
Furthermore, it is equipped with a unique cabinet structure and double-layer thermostat cover, which can
prevent loss of heat and radiant heat when nursing the pets. In addition, a temperature and humidity display
device is provided, measuring current temperature with the set temperature clearly visible. The heating
control adopts dual duct and double circulation convection heating technology. This prevents rapid change
in temperature minimizing the shock that can be caused. It ensures that temperature of the ICU can rise
evenly and gently. The Thermostat System adopts PID control technology, which can solve the problem of
inertia temperature error comprehensively, thus the temperature control is more accurate and more energy
AEOLUS UC-1801 ICU.INCUBATOR is a fully integrated pet ICU and incubator.
AEOLUS UC-1801 ICU.INCUBATOR accurately controls temperature and humidity. It is the only domestic
product with balanced heating and stable temperature and humidity (used in ICU).
AEOLUS UC-1801 ICU.INCUBATOR provides a bacteria-free therapeutic environment, which can efficient-
ly kill all harmful bacteria and viruses.
AEOLUS UC-1801 ICU.INCUBATOR incorporates integrated adjutant therapeutic functions, not just the
functions of an ICU.
AEOLUS UC-1801 ICU.INCUBATOR provides air purification with medical effects, rather than concept
AEOLUS UC-1801 ICU.INCUBATOR accurately monitors the medial environment, which safeguards the
pets’ lives.
AEOLUS UC-1801 ICU.INCUBATOR is an Earth friendly product; saves energy and protects the environ-
ment, which can effectively savings 35% of energy (when compared to other pet care products).
AEOLUS UC-1801 ICU.INCUBATOR especially provides the creation of a bacteria-free environment. The
dual duct and double circulation convection heating technology and the PID thermostat control technology
are pioneering, which ensure the reliability, safety and practicality of the machine.