1.2.3 Maintenance and Inspection
5 minutes
Only qualified electricians are allowed carry out inverter maintenance, inspection and component re-
placement. If the product requires maintenance, contact the local dealer / your supplier.
Ensure that unauthorized third parties do not access the maintenance area during maintenance
operations. Secure the area by affixing temporary warning signs to dissuade third parties from
entering the area.
Before attempting any maintenance, disconnect first all power supplies of the grid to the inverter.
Thereafter, disconnect the breakers; wait for at least 5 minutes until the inverter is discharged before
attempting maintenance.
Please follow electrostatic protection norms and take correct protective measures because
circuits and components in the inverter are sensitive to electrostatic electricity.
Do not use non-original parts and components during maintenance.
After solving faults / problems that may affect the safety and performance of the inverter, restart the
Do not get close to or touch any metal conductive part of the grid or inverter, otherwise electric shock,
physical injury or death and fire may occur. Always pay attention to warning icons and instructions
signaling the possibility of an electric shock.
1.2.4 Storage
If the inverter is not deployed immediately and has to be stored, please follow the below recommendations:
Do not remove the packaging.
Store the inverter in a dry, clean place to prevent erosion caused by dust and water vapor.
Make sure that storage temperature stays in the range -40°C~+70° and relative humidity stays in the
range 5%RH~95%RH.
If you have to stack the inverters, follow the original stacking configuration from the original shipment.
Handle the inverter with care to avoid personal injuries or damages to the product.
Keep the product away from chemically corrosive substances that might corrode the product.
Periodic inspections are required. If the packaging is damaged for whatever the cause, replace promptly
the packaging material.
After long-germ storage, the inverters need to be inspected and tested by qualified personnel before
they are put into use.