Power supply
The AMP 4/8 needs 9..30 V/DC. Be sure that the SAB cap is mounted rightly when you switch on
the power supply. Do never remove the SAB cap when the power supply is active. Otherwise the elec-
tronic can be damaged.
It is very important to power the AMP with a clean ground (without any electrical interferences).
The best way is, to use the same ground as the reading system.
The AMP has a RS232 or USB interface. The standard parameters are: 19200 baud, 1 startbit, 8
databits, 1 stopbit, no paritybit.
Changing the modes
There are 3 different modes to switch the channels of the AMP 4/8:
Mode 1:
via RS232/USB interface
Mode 2:
via reader ARE i2
Mode 3:
via digital inputs
The different modes effect just the switching of the channels. All other instructions are everytime avail-
able via the RS232/USB interface.
You have to save the settings with the command “VSAVE” after changing the mode to make this setting
available after a new start of the AMP 4/8.
MO <SP> 0
0 <CR>
Switching the channel
The command for switching the channel depends on the used mode.
Mode 1 and mode 2:
MP <SP> 0