PixLite 4 Rugged V1.0 User Manual V1.2
© 2015 Advatek Lighting Pty Ltd
7.2 - No Status/Power LEDs On
Ensure that your power supply is supplying correct voltage as per section 2.1. Also ensure that it can
supply enough power to drive the lights that are connected as well. You should also try
disconnecting all outputs and see if the controller starts then. If the supplied power is correct try
performing a forced firmware update as per section 5.4.
7.3 - Other Issues
If the device fails to perform as expected, please check the LED codes as per section 7.1. For the
latest more specific troubleshooting information and other help, you should refer to our online
knowledgebase here:
If you can’t resolve your problem with the help of our knowledgebase, you can open a support ticket
here for assistance:
You can also send an e-mail to
and a ticket will be automatically created
for you.
If you create your ticket through the website you will have the ability to login and manage past and
existing tickets.
Reset To Factory Defaults
To reset the controller to its factory default settings do the following:
Carefully remove the enclosure lid and hold down the “Factory IP” button AND the
“Bootloader” buttons together before applying power.
Power up the board.
Wait for both LEDs to flash together.
Release both buttons.
Place lid back on and power cycle (turn power off, wait 5 seconds then turn it on again)