PixLite 4 Rugged V1.0 User Manual V1.2
© 2015 Advatek Lighting Pty Ltd
Figure 5
If you want to connect the controller
directly to a PC then in addition to setting the computer’s IP
range as specified above, you may also need to use a crossover network cable as opposed to a
straight-through cable as described in section 3.1.1.
3.2.3 - Forcing the Default IP Address
In the event that you forget the IP of a controller and you can’t see it in the Assistant, it can be
forced to its default IP. After removing the enclosure lid, a simple procedure can be employed on
power up:
Hold down the “Factory IP” button
and power up the board
After a few seconds r
elease the button. The controller’s IP address will now be
You should now be able to setup your PC’s network settings to find the controller at this IP and
change the IP settings to what you prefer. After changing the settings or if you power the controller
off and on again, the controller will revert to using the saved settings.