Chapter 2
PCI-1711/1731 User’s Manual
Advantech Co., Ltd.
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4. Software Overview
This chapter gives you an overview of the software programming
choices available and a quick reference to examples of source codes
that can help you be better oriented to programming. After following
the instructions given in Chapter 2, it is hoped that you feel comfort-
able enough to proceed further.
Advantech offers users several options for programming DAS cards.
You may use Advantech application software such as Advantech DLL
driver, ActiveDAQ (OCX), GeniDAQ, or even other third-party driver.
Advanced users are allowed another option for register-level program-
ming, although not recommended due to its laborious and time-
consuming nature.
4.1 Programming Choices
A simple diagram such as Figure 3-1 is helpful to illustrate the mutual
relations among different layers of hardware, OS, drivers, and applica-
tion softwares :
Fig. 4-1 Programming Choices
Each of the different programming choices are briefly summarized
as follows:
DLL Driver
The Advantech DLL Drivers software is included on the companion
CD-ROM at no extra charge. It also comes with all the Advantech DAS
cards. Advantech’s DLL driver features a complete I/O function library
to help boost your application performance. The Advantech DLL
G e n iD A Q
L a b V IE W
L a b V IE W D riv e r
V isu a l B a sic ,
C + +
C + + B u ild e r
D e lp h i
V isu a l
A c tiv e D A Q
D L L D riv e r
H a rd w are (P C + D A S c a rd s)