Chapter 4
PCI-1711/1731 User’s Manual
Advantech Co., Ltd.
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driver for Windows 95/98/NT works seamlessly with development
tools such as Visual C++, Visual Basic, Inprise C++ Builder and Inprise
Advantech ActiveDAQ
ActiveDAQ provides a collection of add-on ActiveX controls and
function library to perform all data acquisition functions. It features an
icon-based graphical programming interface, a VBA-compatible
scripting language, and an Excel-like report generator.
With ActiveDAQ controls, you can develop your DAQ application
with your favorite programming tool, no matter if it is Visual Basic,
Visual C++, Delphi, C++ Builder, Access or Excel. LabVIEW and HP
VEE are also applicable. In addtion, ActiveDAQ also provides another
collection of easy-to-use Visual Basic data acquisition controls for
DAS cards.
Advantech GeniDAQ
GeniDAQ is a Windows-based software development package for data
acquisition, control, analysis and presentation. In addition to these
typical HMI functions, GeniDAQ is further enhanced with a Visual
Basic programming environment to facilitate rapid design of complex
applications that involve lengthy calculation and analysis. With Visual
Basic programming environment, customizing an application system
for special purposes becomes a piece of cake. The new 32-bit version
of GeniDAQ supports the PCI-1711/1731 card.
Register-level Programming
Register-level programming is reserved for experienced programmers
who find it necessary to write codes directly at the level of device
registers. Since register-level programming requires much effort and
time, we recommend that you use the Advantech DLL drivers instead.
However, if register-level programming is indispensible, you should
refer to the relevant information in Appendix C, Register Structure and
Format, or to the example codes included on the companion CD-ROM.
LabVIEW Driver
Advantech even provides users with a driver for National Instruments
LabVIEW. This 32-bit LabVIEW driver is compatible with Windows 95/
98 and Windows NT 4.0, offering both high-speed and normal-speed
data acquisition capabilities to your card.