Appendix G
Warranty and warranty duties
Single-Sample Micro-Osmometer User Guide
Useful life
The same as the depreciation life in the Internal
Revenue Service guidelines, whether or not the user
actually depreciates the instrument, but not to exceed
10 years from date of delivery to the user.
Only during the time the equipment has been
maintained on a regular basis as prescribed by
Advanced Instruments. If the user is in an area which
has no local service, Advanced Instruments may
require a local service person (understood to mean the
person actually performing the “hands-on” service of
the equipment) to attend and pass a reasonable
maintenance and repair course.
Only during the time when the user has not altered the
equipment in any way without written approval from
Advanced Instruments.
Only during the time when the user has not loaned,
leased or resold the equipment to any third party.
Reasonable use
According to the instructions supplied by Advanced
Instruments (assuming English-reading personnel or
supervision). If neither the supervisor nor the operator
reads English, the user agrees to obtain accurate
translations of the instrument labels, instructions, user
guides and/or manuals provided.
Under direct, on-the-job supervision of the supervisor
or other professional in charge.
In which there are no known defects or uncorrected
Only for the purpose stated in the instructions
provided with the instrument.
In which the equipment has been maintained
according to the instructions provided.
Immediate notification
Recognition that time is of the essence when any
accident, malpractice or product liability arises which
involves Advanced Instruments equipment.
Notification to Advanced Instruments immediately
(the same day, if possible) in the event of injury to any
person in circumstances involving Advanced
Instruments equipment in which Advanced
Instruments might be named as a defendant in any
form of litigation.
Allowing Advanced Instruments or its representatives,
immediate, full, and thorough examination of
Advanced Instruments equipment, and all records
pertaining to such equipment.