Real Time MPEG 2 Streaming Encoder
Version 1.3
Adtec Digital, Inc. USA
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16,000 or 16 KHz. Very low sampling
frequency and not recommended for broadcast
22,050 or 22.05 KHz. Very low sampling
frequency and not recommended for broadcast
24,000 or 24 KHz. Very low sampling
frequency and not recommended for broadcast
32,000 or 32 KHz. Low sampling frequency
and not recommended for broadcast
44,100 or 44.1 KHz. CD quality sampling
frequency that is recommended for broadcast
44.1 may be required for certain
decoders or Set Top Boxes.
22,050 or 22.05 KHz. Very high sampling
frequency that is highly recommended for
broadcast applications.
48 KHz is the
preferred sampling frequency for Layer 2.
Note: The Sampling Frequency is global, once set, it applies to the
primary and secondary audio inputs.
Stereo Input 1 Type (Primary Audio)
Dolby AC-3 Stereo Encoding profile. This
option is exclusive to the edje-2100. Availability
is in Q4 2002.
Layer 1
MPEG 1 Layer 1 Audio Encoding profile. Layer
1 requires a higher bit rate than Layer 2 for
similar fidelity. Layer 1 is intended use is with
MPEG 1 video.
Layer 1 supports data rates from 32 Kbits/s to
448 Kbits/s in 32 K steps.
Layer 2
MPEG 2 Layer 2 Audio Encoding profile. Layer
2 is more efficient than Layer 1 therefore
provides higher fidelity at lower bit rates. Layer
2 supports 32, 48, 56, 64, 96, 112, 128, 160,
192, 224, 256, 320, 384 Kbits/s.
Layer 2 is the preferred audio encoding
profile for MPEG 2.
Layer 3
Available in Q4 2002
MPEG 4 Advanced Audio Coding. Availability
Stereo Input 1 Data Rate (Primary Audio)
Based on Audio Type
Set the Audio Type the select the Data Rate by
the pull down menu.
Layer 2, 48 KHz, 224 K is
the preferred broadcast setting.
Adtec hardware
decoders do
not support 16,
22.05, and 24.
All Adtec
support 44.1
and 48. The
edje supports
32 as well as
44.1 and 48.