Industrial PCs OPC6012/6015
© ads-tec GmbH • Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 1 • D-72622 Nürtingen
The soft keyboard must be installed from the enclosed service CD in order to ensure
usability of the 5 keys (except for the VMT series, where you have 6 keys) underneath the
monitor. The installation has to be carried out as described below:
Plug in connector of external drive at the device
Switch on PC, insert driver CD into drive after booting
Start installer from the service CD
Follow on-screen instructions, install the driver, select the language and confirm
the restart of the computer.
You can make further changes to the basic settings of the soft keyboard, if required.
More information about this topic you'll find in the "Readme" file in the installation
folder for the soft keyboard!
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