Industrial PCs OPC6012/6015
© ads-tec GmbH • Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 1 • D-72622 Nürtingen
The power supply connection and interfaces of this device are installed underneath a
protective cover. This cover has to be removed in order to connect the power supply lead
and the interface cables.
All supply leads and all required data leads have to be connected before commissioning.
All supply leads and all required data leads have to be connected before commissioning.
The device must be switched off before connecting or disconnecting any cables in
order to prevent damage to the electronics!
The device may only be switched on after acclimatising to the ambient temperature
in order to avoid condensate accumulation. Make sure to meet the permissible
voltage requirements for this device.
After switching off and before switching on you must wait for at least 5 seconds.
The screen of a data cable must always be connected with the connector housing
Under the embedded operating system, interfaces must explicitly be enabled and
required drivers must be installed in order to be able to use them.
If the case is connected with earth potential at the provided PE contact (e.g. by
connecting the PE contact with the device plug), the electrical insulation is no
longer given. This also applies if the device is installed by using a metal retainer
If you want to have the device electrically insulated from the power supply, you
have to use a method of installation that ensures appropriate insulation.
Pos : 18 /D atent ec hni k/I nbetri ebnahme/R eihenfolg e der Inbetriebnahme/R ei henf olge der I nbetriebnahme f ür VMT 60xx- Seri e @ 1\ mod_1222073159179_6. doc @ 4100 @
Pos : 19 /D atent ec hni k/I nbetri ebnahme/ Betriebsberei tschaf t prüf en/ Betriebsbereit schaf t prüf en f ür O PC/C PC/ PLC /OTC /ITC/ VMT-Serie(+Monit ore) / I PC 5100/ 5500/ 2400/1100 @ 0\ mod_1158905578361_6. doc @ 381 @
Check the device for any hidden damage potentially caused by improper transport,
operating or storage conditions or by improper use or handling (e.g. smoke development
from the device, etc.). If any damage is detected, the device must be put out of service
immediately and protected from accidental switch-on.
Pos : 20 /D atent ec hni k/Bedienung/Fr ont seitig e T ast en/Fronts eitige B edi entast en für VMT 60xx-Serie @ 2\ mod_1260526652092_6. doc @ 6881 @