This guide is one of several resources available to help you learn about Adobe® LiveCycle™ suite of security
products. The LiveCycle security products enable you to dynamically apply settings such as usage rights,
encryption, digital signatures, and confidentiality settings to existing Adobe PDF documents.
What’s in this guide?
This guide provides information about how to install and configure the following LiveCycle security
products for Microsoft® Windows®and Linux®, and how to deploy the security products to a JBoss®
Application Server:
Adobe LiveCycle Document Security 7.2
Adobe LiveCycle Policy Server 7.2
Adobe LiveCycle Reader Extensions 7.2
Who should read this guide?
This guide provides information for administrators or developers responsible for installing, configuring,
administering, or deploying LiveCycle security products. The information is based on the assumption that
anyone reading this guide is familiar with application servers, Linux and Windows operating systems,
MySQL, Oracle®, DB2®, or SQL Server databases, and web environments.
Conventions used in this guide
This guide uses the following naming conventions for common file paths.
Default value
[LiveCycle root]
The installation directory that is used for
all LiveCycle products. The installation
directory contains subdirectories for
Configuration Manager, product SDKs,
and each installed LiveCycle product
(along with the product documentation).
[product root]
The directory where product-specific
directories and files (such as
documentation, uninstall files, samples,
and license information) are located.