Lessons 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12 all include exercises that deal with different aspects of
image adjustment, correction, and repair—so you may find possibilities for recom-
bining exercises from these lessons to suit your session schedule. While Lesson 7
covers color correction, Lesson 8 deals with exposure problems, Lesson 9
with retouching, and Lesson 12 with advanced image editing techniques.
Lesson 9 makes further use of selective editing techniques from Lessons 7 and 8.
Goals for this lesson
The objectives for Lesson 8 are to introduce your students to the Straighten and
Recompose tools for improving image composition, and to expose them a variety of
techniques for retouching and repairing images while consolidating their selection
skills and their ability to work with layers, blending modes, and the Smart Brush.
Your students should understand the use of and differences between the Healing
and Spot Healing brushes and the Clone Stamp tool.
They should know how to use the Undo History panel.
They should know how to refine a selection and understand the difference
between a selection and a mask.
expanding on the exercises
The projects and exercises in this lesson detail practical, step-by-step editing tech-
niques that are well illustrated and explained and usually quite easy to follow. For
teaching opportunities, look for those dialog box options, menu commands, tool
settings, and underlying concepts that are not specifically covered in each exercise.
How can you straighten a crooked photo using a vertical element such as a
signpost as a reference?
How can you merge two or more layers?
If you have selected the Smart Brush and you do not see the floating Smart Paint
palette, where can you find it?
To straighten an image around a vertical reference such as an architectural
element or a signpost, hold down the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key
(Mac OS) on your keyboard as you drag with the Straighten tool. The image
will be rotated so that your reference line becomes vertical.
Remember to
check out margin tips
and notes, as well as the
Review Q&A at the end
of the lesson, to help
you identify additional
teaching opportunities
and discussion points.