Students should be aware of and able to use the different viewing modes to help
them access the images they want in a catalog.
They should be able to apply Keyword Tags, order and manage those tags in the
Keyword Tags panel, and understand how to use them as a means of sorting
and finding photos.
Getting photos
Begin with creating a new catalog for this lesson. Although your students have
already created a catalog in Lesson 1, the catalog is a key concept in Photoshop
Elements. Your students should become familiar with the idea that they can create
new catalogs for specific projects or as the most basic level of organization in their
growing image collection, and with using the Catalog Manager to switch between
them. You can take this opportunity to reiterate the nature of the catalog file.
Your students will import the Lesson 2 images in batches—employing a different
import method for each batch. You’ll notice that the images inside the Lesson02
folder are already organized in separate sub-folders for this purpose.
There is a separate exercise for each import method:
Dragging photos from Windows Explorer
Getting photos from specific locations
Searching for photos to import
In each case your students will encounter the Import Attached Keyword Tags dia-
log box, which is common to all import operations. The second import exercise will
introduce the Advanced options in this dialog box. You can point out the potential
for applying a basic level of catalog organization at this stage.
Importing from a digital camera
This exercise repeats the process learned in Lesson 1, but introduces Advanced
options from step 8. Although, for the purposes of this exercise, several options are
left disabled, you can use this opportunity to discuss their purpose. Your students
will see these options again—and make use of some them to organize photos dur-
ing the import process—in Lesson 3.
using watched folders (Windows only)
In this lesson your students will set up a watched folder, but the exercise does not
demonstrate its use specifically. To this end, you might have them drop a file into
the watched folder after it is set up. Be sure to point out that the Windows “My
Pictures” folder is watched by default.