To see which collections a photo is in, hold the mouse pointer over the collection icon
under the photo in the Photo
Well or use the Properties palette.
To remove photos from a collection:
In the Photo Well, select the photos you want to remove from a collection.
Do one of the following:
Right-click the photo and choose Remove (Selected Items) From Collection, followed by the collection name.
If the collection icon associated with the photo is visible, right-click a collection icon
and choose Remove From
To delete a collection:
Deleting a collection removes the collection, but not the photos in the collection.
Select one or more collections and collection groups in the Collections pane of the Photo Well.
Click the Delete button
in the Collections pane.
Do not press Delete on your keyboard. The application will delete any selected photos, rather than the
To change the order of items in a collection:
When you change the order of items in a collection, you change the viewing order.
Select the collection in the Collections pane of the Photo Well.
Select the items that you want to move.
Drag the photos to their new location within the collection.
To reset the order of items to oldest first, right-click the collections and choose Reorder
Collection By
Date (Oldest First).
To attach tags to photos in a collection:
In the Photo Well, select the collection in the Collections pane to display the photos in that collection.
Click the Tags tab to display the Tags pane.
Choose Edit > Select All to select all the items in the Photo Well.
Select and attach the tags to the photos.
Finding your photos
It’s easy to find photos in Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0. Tags give you a quick way to find photos and other
files. When you use tags to find photos and media files, the find bar expands to show you the tags you’ve selected.
Searches begin as soon as you select the tags in the Tags pane. You can also use collections to find photos.
Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 automatically organizes your photos in the Timeline of the Photo Well. From
the Timeline, you can view and find photos and media even if they are not tagged. The Timeline is divided into years
and months. You can jump to a particular month in any year by clicking that month in the Timeline. The Photo Well
then displays photos and media files for that month. When you hold the mouse pointer over a bar in the Timeline,
the name of the corresponding month appears. You can also select a range of time in the Timeline to display photos
taken or scanned within that range.