Technical manual ADITRAT
1.1. Introduction:
In a closed heating or cooling circuit, if periodical water refillings are not realized, the initial water can
eventually lose its content of cal and salts, which will settle down in a negligible quantity without
affecting the installation. Air, oxygen and dissolved gases are evacuated by the air/gas venting
purgers installed, so the processes of corrosion and oxidation are minimal.
However, if periodical refillings with non-treated water are continually realized in these circuits, new
inputs of cal, salts, oxygen, etc. are also introduced, which means:
Cal and salts will start to settle down more and more, contributing to cause scaling in
the installation, especially in the boilers, and the scale thickness will increase every time the
installation is refilled, decreasing its transfer capacity.
- Oxygen, air and dissolved gases can give rise to oxidation and corrosion processes in the
circuit, producing oxides and sludge. These oxides and sludge will start to settle down in the
installation preventing the equipments to correctly operate, the radiators to work at 100% of
their capacity, and the same will happen to the heating and cooling generators.
This process will cause deterioration of the installation and of the equipments installed. So it would be
important to avoid realizing refillings with non-treated water and, if this is not possible, at least add a
chemical treatment in the refilling water.
In order to avoid this deterioration, ADISA introduces its system for treating the refilling water:
1.2. Construction - Installation - Operation
The equipment ADITRAT is a compact unit, hydraulically connected and fixed on a base, composed
1. Gas pressure governor.
2. Descaling product.
3. Dispenser of chemical product inhibiting corrosion and scaling.
4. Tank for an easy and quick refilling of the inhibiting product.
5. Water meter.
6. Non-return valve.
7. Cut-off valves.
Operation parameters
Connections of 3/4".
Minimum pressure: 2 bar
Maximum pressure: 4 bar
Minimum flow: 20 l/h
Maximum flow: 1.500 l/h
Temperature: 45º C
Electric supply: 220 V, 50 Hz, single phase
You just need to connect it to the water inlet of the circuit.