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Copy HDD
Copy HDD copies data directly from the source hard disk to the target hard disk. Please make
sure that the capacity of the target hard disk is equal o
r larger than the source hard disk.
Choose option 1 from the menu:
to begin copy. The system w
ill auto-detect the hard disksand show the following
copying info on the LCD.
The LCD will show the following info during the copying process: elaps
ed time, completed
percentage. The copy speed, capacity
and time will vary depending on the source hard disk. Once
the copying process is complete the LCD will display t
he following results.
Copy-36MB/s 0%
232.9GB 00:00:00
Copy HDD
OK: 11 Fail: 0
1. Copy HDD
HDD:11 232.9GB
Async Copy HDD
This option is used to specify the size of the source for simplifying further copying operations.
Choose option 2 from the me
2. Async C
opy HDD
HDD:10 232.9GB
. Before the start of the reproduction, if theconsoledetects that a hard drive
capacity is less than source, then the LCD will show the corresponding channel number.
Space Not Enough
And then automatically copies. The LCD will display t
he following info.
Acpy-36MB/s 0%
232.9GB 00:00:00
If the replication process to continue to add additional hard disk device, LCD will only show the last
completed percentage.
Once the copying process is complete t
he LCD will display the following results.
Async Copy HDD
OK: 11 Fail: 0
Compare HDD is used to see if
the data on a source ha
rd disk is identical to the target hard disk
after the Copy HD operation.
Choose option 3 from the me