Web interface: Quick access to the Ethernet data logger
3) DHCP server log
This section contains logs of the DHCP server.
4) DHCP client
If a DHCP server is available on your network, you can use it to get an IP address for your Ethernet data
logger. The relevant parameters need to be set in the “DHCP client” section.
5) Eth0 initialisation log
In the “Eth0 initialisation log” section, the logs of the eth0 interface are displayed.
4.5.3 “Advanced” tab
Fig. 4-15: Network: Advanced
Once you have changed a parameter, you have to click on the
respective “Save” button to save your settings.
1) Configuration
In the “/Etc/Hosts” field, you can connect hostnames with IP addresses.
The maximum size of the socket receive buffer can be defined in the “Sysctl” field.
2) Syslog
The Ethernet data logger can send logging information to a system on the network by using the syslog
In the “Syslog Target” field, enter the IP address of the system that receives the information.
If the “Syslog Target” field is left blank, this function is deactivated.
The “Syslog Port” field contains the port number (UDP) that should be used. It must be a number
between 1 and 65535. 514 is defined as the default value.
The new configuration will take effect when the Ethernet data logger is restarted.