Synchronous Data Transfer Negotiation
The message exchange between the initiator and the target that
allows the negotiation of the data transfer frequency and delay be-
tween requests and acknowledgments required for synchronous
data transfer. Once negotiated, synchronous data transfer parame-
ters remain unchanged until certain re-initialization activities occur.
Tagged Queuing
A SCSI-2 feature that allows the SCSI device to return data in a
different order than requested by the SCSI host adapter.
Target (or Target Device)
A SCSI device that performs an operation requested by an initiator.
The target may be a peripheral device such as a disk drive perform-
ing a service for an initiator. The target may also be a host adapter
performing a processor-type device service for an initiator.
A physical requirement of the SCSI bus. The devices at the physi-
cal ends of the SCSI bus must have terminating resistors either
installed or enabled; devices in the middle of the bus must have
terminating resistors either removed or disabled.
A 2-byte (16-bit) unit of data.
Zero Latency Reads
A Method of minimizing mechanical limitations of fixed disk by
requesting data in an unordered sequence. The data is reordered
by the host adapter.
Adaptec AHA-2740 Series User’s Manual
Stock Number: 510381-00 / Rev. C (Page G-12)
Print Spec Number: 491709-00 Rev C
Current Date: 9/1/93 ECN Date: 9/14/93
AHA-2740 Series User’s Manual