© Adam Equipment Company 2000
8.7 “Filxx” To choose the stable range: default is Fil 05
Press the LIGHT/increment key to choose the range of stability from 1 to 15. Then press
the ENTER key to confirm and return to normal weighing or press the PCS key to
continue to another function mode.
For this parameter, the smaller the value selected the longer the time until the stable
symbol is shown and the more stable the scale is. (Default 5)
8.8 “Zerox” To choose the Zero display range
Press the LIGHT/increment key to choose the zero display range from 0 to 3 scale
divisions. Then press the ENTER key to confirm and return to normal weighing or press
the PCS key to continue to another function mode.
8.9 “b2 x” To choose the Auto Zero recovery range
Press the LIGHT/increment key to choose the Auto Zero recovery range from 0 to 3
scale divisions. Then press the ENTER key to confirm and return to normal weighing or
press the PCS key to continue to another function mode
8.10. “AC y” or “AC n” To enable the auto-average during
counting mode
If enabled, the scale will automatically recalculate the unit weight during counting when
the additional number of parts added is less than the number of parts displayed.
Press the LIGHT/increment key to choose the enable (y) or disable (n). Then press the
ENTER key to confirm and return to normal weighing or press the PCS key to continue
to another function mode