AET62 Reference Manual
Version 1.0
Page 29 of 37
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9. Appendix A. AET62 PCSC Escape Command
1. Select the “ACS AET62 PICC Interface 0”
2. Select the “Shared Mode” if the “AET62 PICC Interface” is already connected or “Direct Mode if the “AET62 PICC
Interface” is not connected.
3. Press the “Connect” button to establish a connection between the PC and the AET62 reader.
4. Enter “
” in the Command text box
5. Enter the PCSC Escape Command, e.g. “
FF 00 48 00 00
” and press the “Send” button to send the command to the
#Get the firmware version
6. Press the “Disconnect” button to break the connection.
7. In order to send or receive
Escape commands
to a reader, follow the instructions below
8. The vendor IOCTL for the
command is defined as follows:
The following instructions enumerate the steps to enable the PCSC Escape command:
Execute the “RegEdit” in the “Run Command
Menu” of Windows