5.3 Error Information
Lamp Startup Fail
It appears when there is no lamp or some wires are damaged.
Temperature Sense Error
It appears when temperature check board is damaged.
Lamp Too Hot Power Off
It appears when temperature is detected higher than 110
. Check if the unit is properly ventilated, or
fans or temperature check board may is damaged.
Lamp Too Hot Low Power
It appears when detected temperature is higher than 105
. the unit will run on a low power level.
Lamp On Over 700 Hour
It appears when the lamp always has been on over 700 hours, please turn off the lamp.
Memory Initial Fail
It appears when the memory IC is damaged.
CPU-B Error, CPU-C Error, CPU-D Error
They appear when board P.C or some wires are damaged.
Pan Reset Error, Pan Encode Error, Tilt Reset Error, Tilt Encode Error, Shutter Reset Fail, Dimmer
Reset Fail, Color Reset Fail, Cyan Reset Fail, Magenta Reset Fail, Yellow Reset Fail, Gobo1 Reset Fail,
R-Gobo1 Reset Fail, Gobo2 Reset Fail, Iris Reset Fail, Effect Reset Fail, R-Effect Reset Fail, Frost Reset
Fail, Flat Reset Fail, Focus Reset Fail, Zoom Reset Fail
They may appear when turning on or resetting the unit, for some parts such as board P.C are damaged.
Please contact the qualified maintenance.