1. Make sure the fixture does not receive DMX signal.
2. Check microphone to see if it is good by tapping the microphone.
E. One of the channels is not working well
1. The stepper motor might be damaged or the cable connected to the PCB is broken.
The motor’s drive IC on the PCB might be out of condition.
8. Fixture Cleaning
The cleaning of internal must be carried out periodically to optimize light output. Cleaning
frequency depends on the environment in which the fixture operates: damp, smoky or
particularly dirty surrounding can cause greater accumulation of dirt on the fixture’s optics.
Clean with soft cloth using normal glass cleaning fluid.
Always dry the parts carefully.
Clean the external optics at least every 20 days. Clean the internal optics at least every
30/60 days.
EC - Declaration of Conformity
We declare that our products (lighting equipments) comply with the following
specification and bears CE mark in accordance with the provision of the
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 89/336/EEC.
EN55014-2: 1997 A1: 2001, EN61000-4-2: 1995; EN61000-4-3: 2002;
EN61000-4-4: 1995; EN61000-4-5: 1995, EN61000-4-6: 1996,
EN61000-4-11: 1994.
Harmonized Standard
EN60598-1: 2000+ALL: 2000+A12: 2002
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances