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DTUS065 rev A.7 – June 27, 2014
802.11 channels & international compatibility
A wireless network uses specific channels on the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz radio
spectrum to handle communication between stations. Some channels in your
area may suffer from interference from other electronic devices. Choose the
clearest channel to help optimize the performance and coverage of your
wireless network. See appendix for further details about radio channels.
Depending on the location of the product (indoor/outside), not
all wireless channels are available. Refer to local regulation
(which is constantly liable to change).
Channels availability varies by countries, constrained in part by how each
country allocates radio spectrum to various services.
Broadly speaking, the world is divided into the 3 main regions:
Europe, regulated by the ETSI (European Telecommunications
Standards Institute)
US, regulated by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
Asia, regulated by the MKK/TELEC