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DTUS065 rev A.7 – June 27, 2014
Point-to-point redundancy with dual band
In this mode, two dual radio products form a redundancy link by
creating two wireless links on different channels. Only one link transfers
data at a time. If one of the two links breaks down, the second one will
replace it.
Configuration summary:
In this example, we have two different configurations (one per radio card).
You can obviously change any of these parameters as long as your choice
makes sense.
For Radio A:
Mode: 802.11ng, HT mode: 20MHz, channel: 11, country code: FR, ESSID:
For Radio B:
Mode: 802.11na, HT mode: 20MHz, channel: 36, country code: FR, ESSID:
ATTENTION: This topology creates a network loop. You must provide a
way to cut one of the two Wi-Fi links. This is usually done by using STP or
RSTP inside the products. The WLn series provides STP since firmware
1.4.0 (RSTP is coming soon). STP must be activated in both Product A and
Product B. See section “
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
for more details.